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Chapter 3

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"Jiae you're not gonna pull any stunts right?"

She looked at her best friend confused. "No why would you think I'd do that?"

"Because you usually do, I don't have anything against it but I don't want the others to feel uncomfortable or for Minho to be as well."

She wiggled her eyebrows at him and clapped her hands. "Do you perhaps have the tiniest crush on mister lonely?"

Jisung choked on his own spit. "W..what? Ji what the fuck no! Why would you even think that?"

She shrugged. "I don't know, it looks like it but you better don't! I have my eyes on him. Something about him just draws me to him. I'm dying to know him more. Take things slow y'know?"

"Okay who are you and what did you do to Jiae?" She stared at him and they both bursted out laughing.

"Okay but in all seriousness, I do want to take things slow with him and not blow my chance!"

"Well I'm glad you feel that way. He looks like he could use some love like that."

"Mhm! But now to other pressing matters, seeing as you made me throw a boring ordinary party, I have problems that need to be fixed." She smiled innocently at him.

He rolled his eyes at her. He pulled her on his lap and cupped her face. "You should've just said so, y'know this is going to have to stop if you want Minho."

"I know, just shut up and fuck me already save the lecture for after." Jisung didn't waste any time and smashed his lips on hers.


"Oh hey Minho! Fancy running into you here."

Minho looked at the familiar person and let out the tinniest sigh. "Hello Jisung, what do you want?"

"Nothing really." He swung on his feet a bit.

"Oh really? You're not gonna call me out tonight?" Jisung chuckled. "No not tonight, sorry about that by the way. It wasn't meant to call you out."

"Then what was it for Jisung?"

"Because I thought it was sad how one person could look that lonely. I felt like it needed to be said out loud so the world would hear it and change."

"The world doesn't listen." He averted his gaze from the younger.

"Maybe it does, you can't be sure. It's to early to tell anyways. What are you doing out this late?"

The could air left Minho's mouth as he stood against the wall leaning against it. "Trying to get my thoughts together."


"Aren't you a curious one." He raised his eyebrow looking at the younger boy.

He shrugged and replied. "It's always good to have a listening ear, plus being a little curious never hurt anyone."

Minho took a deep breath. "I'm having doubts about whether I should attend Jiae's party. I just don't know."

"Are you scared because of what the others think or might think about you?"

"There's no might think about me, they all think it. It's most likely all true what they are thinking. I just don't want to prevent you both from making friends because of me."

"Oh Min darling! That's so cute and sweet but truly that won't happen. Jiae is a very likeable person even with the weird shit she pulls. She simply doesn't care and neither do I! So you don't need to worry about us."

He ignored the way those words made his heart beat faster and acted calmly.
"That's good then I'm glad." He smiled at him which resulted in Jisung smiling back at the older.

"So come to the party and just have fun and be a teenager. Forget about all the other shit for one night and do stupid shit with us and have fun."

"I think I will! Thanks Han."

"Don't mention it Lee. I'll see you tomorrow." He waved and walked away leaving Minho in the dark once again alone. But this time he had a rather different feeling then he usually does. He feels a bit happy and content to not have spend the entire night alone or with someone who pays him to fuck.

Is this how it feels to have friends? He wondered before making his way to his shabby apartment that has become his home.


"Hey Min!" A happy Jiae greeted him and he smiled at her slightly.


"Aw c'mon don't be shy when others are around! I really couldn't care less about what others might say okay!" She linked her arms with his and dragged him inside the gates.

As expected people stared because they have no life and making someone else feel uncomfortable and really shitty is the go to remedy to fix that problem apparently.

She however wasn't bothered and pulled him along further. "So are you looking forward to Saturday?"

"I guess? I don't really know sorry.."

"That's okay! I totally get it, parties are not for everyone but I'm glad you're at least coming right?"

He shook his head yes and she smiled enormously at him! "Perfect, it's going to be so much better now that I know you'll be there." She winked at him and he blushed but managed to play it cool.

"I'm sure that's not the case." He chuckled embarrassed. "Aw c'mon Min! Cut yourself some slack you're not as bad as you think you are!"

"I'll try." He was so embarrassed but he was really going to try for them because he doesn't want them to worry or scold him for stuff.

"Min you know you're really cute? And like hella pretty like it's insane! I just thought you should know in case you think otherwise." She winked once again.

"Ah- I'm not but uh thanks?" He wasn't sure how to respond and panicked which caused her to chuckle. "Very cute indeed." She smiled and walked inside the classroom. He followed behind swiftly and sat down pouting face turning red from embarrassment and something else.


Sorry people I was working and kinda forgot to update so yeah I hope you like this chapter cuz I'm tired asf. I'm on a roadtrip to reach my destination for the holidays so yeah early hours and bad sleep ahha.

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