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Chapter 4

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Smut warning ⚠️

His hot breath hit her ear as he whispered in it. Slowly nibbling on it before placing hot and wet kisses down your neck.

She let out a moan as she felt his tongue swirl over her hot skin. His teeth grazed over her wet skin nibbling it making sure purple marks appear. He was planning on covering her neck in love bites.

"Mm min fuck, you're so good at this."

"And you're so good at screaming my name and being so pretty for me." He muttered against her soft skin.

"Always so pretty for me kitten~"

She slowly started to grind on his lap, rolling her hips. His breath hitched a little as he let out a low groan. His kisses trailed down to her collarbone. His hands helped her grind against his clothed crotch.

He moved back up to her face and kissed it passionately, licking her bottom lip asking for entrance. She let out a gasp and he took his chance to let his tongue enter her sweet mouth. Exploring every part of her inner mouth.

His tongue swirled around hers just mingling with each other. They were eating each other's faces. He stood up and she made sure to lock her legs around his waist as he kept kissing hungrily.

He climbed on top of her, his hands next to her face to keep himself stable. His legs between hers.

He placed his knee close to her heat adding pressure to it as he attacked her neck once again.


His hands roamed her body as he took off her shirt and bra to only attack her upper body and chest with wet sloppy kisses.

Her body was going to be fully covered with hickeys and love bites. She put her  hands in his hair tugging at it. She arched your back to get more of this intense feeling of love and pleasure.

His hand went and cupped her breast massaging it gently. His tongue harshly flicking her left nipple. Swirling his tongue around her hard bud she let out a satisfied yelp which made him very satisfied.

"So beautiful baby." His breath sent tingles and made her whole body shiver as it hit her sensitive skin.

He kept flicking and swirling his tongue around her left nipple as he did the same to the right but with his fingers. Flicking and pinching it.

Soon he switched his position and did the same again. "Min pl.. please." She begged and he brought his free hand down to her pants.

He skillfully opened the bottom and tugged it off till it dropped to hrr ankles. Which made her reach down to take it off completely while his fingers swept over her wet panties.

"Someone missed me. So wet already princess ~"

She moaned at that. Grinding to get some friction for her aching core. Minho slowly trailed kisses down her stomach as he rubbed her core through the fabric. She could already feel her high approaching.

"Mm close."

"Cum for me kitten." And that was all it took for jiae to release her fluids. She was panting but sat up on the bed and tugged on his shirt. "Off." He chuckled but complied.

Jiae's hands roamed over his hard muscles and perfect abs. She kissed his cheet and left some love bites here and there.

Her hands went to his pants. She slowly undid his belt and he took off his pants. Jiae slowly palmed him through his boxers. "Mm let's not tease sweetheart."

Her slut [L.M. x You x H.J]Where stories live. Discover now