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Chapter 6

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Minho awoke from his slumber and was met with a delicious aroma floating around his shabby place. He heard this beautiful humming coming from the one and only Han Jisung.

He was humming a song and swaying his hips to the melody. It was so plain yet it drew Minho in a trance like state.

He quickly blinked his eyes fast and shook his head to clear away his trance. He got out of the bed and went inside the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After his quick yet refreshing and much needed shower he got dressed in something simple he owned and walked outside of the tiny room.

"Morning!" He was greeted by a cheerful Han smiling at him. It surprised Minho how one can be so cheerful yet he liked that about Han though he would never admit to it.

"Morning." Minho mumbled. "I made breakfast, I hope you don't mind." He said as he pulled Minho towards the shabby kitchen table. They sat down and Minho filled his plate with food.

He usually skips breakfast as he's not really hungry. "I don't mind, thanks for the meal."

"So tonight is the party, are you going in that?" Jisung asked as he dug into his self made meal. "It's the best I own as I usually don't go to parties." He admitted digging his fork around in his food.

He saw Jisung stare at his actions so he quickly shoved a piece of food in his mouth. He wasn't going to lie the food was delicious but that didn't stop his brain.

"Well how about we go shopping? My treat!" Jisung exclaimed and Minho looked at him with a weird expression asking why.

"It's your first party, you gotta dress to impress you know! C'mon Min it will be fun!"

Minho let out a sigh before nodding his head in agreement, causing Jisung to fist bump the air in victory. He sure was a strange fellow..

Minho shoved a few more bites in his mouth before he excused himself to go to the toilet.

(A/n: next bit will be containing mentions and actions of an Ed (eating disorder) if uncomfortable or you find this triggering skip next part until I mention it ended.)

He closed the door and immediately sat down before the toilet. He held his head above it and shoved his index and middle finger down his throat, causing his gag reflex to take over making him choke, he kept at it a few times until he vomited his few bites of breakfast.

He flushed the toilet and walked up to the sink. He opened the faucet and splashed his face. Before he went to look at himself in the mirror. His face twisted in disgust as he hated the way his own body looked. He really wanted to take a knife and cut away all the parts he hated which was almost everything.

He sighed as he walked back out and was met with Jisung once again. His eyes told Minho that he heard him puking. Minho opened his mouth to speak but before he could Jisung engulfed him into a hug.

Minho was utterly confused but he also felt so weak. He felt a hand wipe away something on his face. He hasn't even realised he was crying.

"Oh Min, it's okay. You know, you're perfect just the way you are in my eyes. Shhh just cry it all out, then we can talk hm?" He said as he stroked the latter's back softly and in a caring way.

Minho kept crying until he calmed down. Jisung sat them down on the bed and pulled Minho on his lap. Minho put his head on his shoulder.

"Do you wanna talk?" Jisung asked him softly, it was like a mother talking to her child, it was soft and caring. It was something he had never experienced ever before but it is also something he oh so dearly missed.

"I have an eating disorder." He admitted afraid to look up at the younger, afraid of judgement. "Oh baby, when did it start?" His voice came out almost like a whisper. "3 years ago.. when the bullying got too much. Everything just got to me and my own insecurities took ahold of me."

"Do you still eat?" He was gently stroking Minho's hair.

"I do, just not a lot and I always tend to throw up. I've this distorted image of how my body looks."

"Is there anyone that you can go to for help?" Minho shook his head. "Well now you've got me and I'll do my best to help you. Because you are just perfect and really pretty and I think it's about time you see yourself that way."

Minho just stared at the boy. Jisung smiled at him. "Now let's go shopping for the party tonight hm? Let's wash away these worries and have some fun!"


After the shopping trip Minho came to the party looking hot as fuck.

Everyone who saw him was left with their mouths agape

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Everyone who saw him was left with their mouths agape. He walked so confidently but that was far from the truth.

"Oh fuck! Min you look so fucking hot like woah!" Jiae exclaimed when she saw him. Minho chuckled awkwardly. "Thanks?" He wasn't sure how to accept these compliments.

"Holy shit, you're making this extremely hard to resist the urge to let you pin me against the wall and kiss me so hard."

Minho's cheeks heated up a bit but he managed to hide it with a smirk plastered on his face. "Oh really huh?" He inched closer to her and whispered in her ear. "All you have to do is ask baby~"

Jiae gulped before quicky putting on her seductive manner. She has already drank a few so she was lightly tipsy. "Oh please Minho, slam me against the wall and fucking kiss me."

Minho immediately took her and slammed her against the wall before harshly kissing her. Jiae let out a moan as she kissed back just as harsh.

Her hands roamed his body to then tug his hair as his hands made the way to the back of her neck pulling her closer and deepening the kiss. He slipped in his tongue dominating her completely and she let it happen. His tongue explored every inch of her mouth tasting nothing but sweetness.

Jisung saw the hot and tense makeout session and an indescribable emotion bubbled up inside of him. He didn't know what the emotion was but he knew he didn't like it at all.

I love a good intimate emotional moment between friends or something more 🤭.

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