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Chapter 9

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The weekend was over and of course the party was a blast. Everyone kinda knew about what happened. They all envied it but at the same time found it incredibly hot.

Minho sat down at a bench in the park. He needed some fresh air to get some things in order.

He had fucked both of his friends at the same time and he enjoyed it very much with both of them. He clearly felt a physical attraction to both of them but maybe there was something more.

He looked around him and the cold breeze hit his face and swept his hair around. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. He was just enjoying the moment.

His phone buzzed. He wanted to ignore it so he just let it ring until it stopped. He tried to relax again but his phone rang again.

He was getting quite annoyed by it. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at who was disturbing him. It was Jiae no less.

He groaned and picked up the phone trying to stay calm.

"Heyyyy Min, I hope I'm not interrupting something."

He shook his head. "You're not don't worry."

"Oh m okay cool. So you know I wanted to ask out."

Silence enveloped the atmosphere.

"Ask me out?" He repeated.

"Yeah like on a date you know?"

"I don't know." He chuckled awkwardly.

"Aw c'mon Min. I really like you, like like like you. All I'm asking for is one date!"

He closed his eyes rubbing his temple. "Alright fine."

She squealed in the phone causing Minho to pull it away from his ears. Once she calmed down he put the phone against his ear again.

She cleared her throat. "Great I'll see you at 8pm sharp tonight! I'll pick you up, wear something nice." She chuckled before ending the call.

Minho's eyes went wide realising to what he just agreed to. He was literally so fucked. He's never went out on a date before. He doesn't know what to fucking expect and that made him nervous.

So fucking nervous beyond compare. He let out a sigh as he slumped back on the bench in the park.

He looked up and saw the leaves falling off the tree. It's already autumn and he didn't particularly like this season. After all who would love the season he was kicked out and had to spent it on the street?

He used to love autumn it was his favourite season and his parents knew. It's almost ironic that they kicked him out during the sweet yet bitter autumn months.

To make things worse he really didn't want to go out today at all. Because it all happened on this specific day. He disliked the 15th of November.

It brought back so many bad memories for him. He didn't really have the energy to go back home and get ready but he had to.


He had taken a shower and dressed up as she told him to. He looked at the clock and it was nearing 8pm. He decided to just keep himself busy on his phone to pass the time.

He tried to occupy his mind to not wonder back to his thoughts. There was a knock on his door as he was about to spiral. It snapped him out of his thoughts.

He walked to it and there she stood. She was dressed in a beautiful slick black dress. She gave him a cute smile. "You okay?"

"Y-Yeah I'm fine let's just go." He spoke as he took her hand and led her back out of the building. She chuckled at this before getting into her car.

The drive was silent but it wasn't awkward at all. It was pleasant and they both enjoyed it.

They ended up at a restaurant and had a nice meal there chatting with each other.

"Why are you so off today Min? You know you can tell me anything right?" She said as she placed her hand over his.

Minho looked away before a sigh escaped his lips. He felt her thumb run circles on his hand and he looked at her.

"I don't really like the autumn season or today." He spoke softly.

"Oh how come?"

"My parents kicked me out on this day a couple of years ago. It's why I dislike this season."

"Oh. I'm so sorry about that Min you don't deserve that."

He just shrugs. "A lot of kids get kicked out because of their sexuality. That's just the way of the world."

"It shouldn't be Min. You deserve so much more then you got in life. All the bullying you're going through, all this shit. It's fucked up and I really dislike it."

"It's fine, I can deal with it."

"No it's not. I've been through something similar. I'm an orphan. I got bullied for not having parents. I had abusive adoptive parents. I always used to say it was fine but it really wasn't. I needed help but I was to afraid to ask for it. Until Jisung came along that is. He and his family helped me and I want to help you."

"No one has ever wanted to help me." He looked down at his empty plate.

"I do, Jisung does, the other guys do as well. You just gotta let us in Minho. Let us help and be there for you."

Suddenly he chuckled. "This date turned rather sad."

She stared at him before letting a small chuckle escape as well. "That it did. But I had fun c'mon let's go. It's late and we have classes tomorrow."

They both split the bill and headed back to his apartment. "I had fun today." She stated and he nodded. "So did I." She kissed him softly and short before pulling away. "We should do this again sometime?"

"Yeah we should." He said giving her a small smile before walking away to go back home. His phone dinged and he got a message. He read it over before cursing. "Oh fuck me."



Her slut [L.M. x You x H.J]Where stories live. Discover now