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Chapter 12

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1 year later

Minho and Jisung had moved in together. They got a small apartment that was close to their college. They had moved out of their old town. Minho didn't want to stay their anymore.

He hated his home town so he was glad he could finally leave. He was about to start his second year of college. He was studying performing arts as he wanted to be a dance producer. He also took up some literature as he also wanted to be a writer and he would see what path life took for him.

College was the highlight of his school career. He had met his best friends Hyunjin and Changbin there. He met Changbin through Jisung as they were both studying music as they were both talented as fuck.

Chan, Seungmin and Jeongin also went to this college. Chan and Jeongin have apparently been dating since highschool but kept it a secret from everyone. They didn't want people to pry in their relationship.

Especially not in that school filled to the brim with fake ass hoes. Seungmin and Hyunjin have been flirting with each but neither of them had actually manned up to ask the other out.

Minho had classes along with this freckles Australian kid that looked vaguely familiar to him. Lee Felix was the boys name.

He got to know the boy and the feeling of knowning the male only got stronger.

He let out a sigh. "Still no luck in figuring it out?" He heard his boyfriend ask him while rubbing his shoulders.

The latter shook his head. "I'm sure you'll figure it out soon my love." Jisung stated which caused Minho to blush as he always did when it came to pet names Jisung used.

Jisung chuckled before a smirk appeared on his face. "Cute."

Jisung pecked his pouty lips before saying. "I love you."

Minho smiled and replied with "I love you more~" Jisung smiled he didn't dare correct the boy as he could never actually win against him. He was way to stubborn.

"Let's go for a walk? We need to go to the convenience store anyways to pick up some stuff."

Minho nodded and stood up. They both put on their shoes and Minho muttered a small goodbye to his kids that he had recently adopted. "Stay safe babies. We'll be back soon ams with goodies!"

Jisung chuckled at his excited boyfriend. Their hands intertwined as they walked along the cold winter streets.

The streets were illuminated by the streetlights and the light that came from the rising moon. Both males walked in silence as they finally arrived at the store.

They walked through it together and put stuff in their cart. "Babe I'm just gonna go into that isle to get something okay. Be right back!" He pecked his cheek as Minho just nodded.

Minho continued to push the cart forward and go into another isle. "Minho?" A voice called out as he looked up he saw it was none other then Jiae.

His face heat up as they held eye contact. "Jiae." He mumbled. She had a small smile on her face.

"How have you been?"

"I've been okay." He admitted.

"That's good." She looked down. "I'm sorry about my outburst back then Minho." She apologized as she looked him into the eyes.

"Baby look what I got-" he stopped as he slung his arm around Minho's waist and looked up at the girl that was once his best friend.

"Jisung. I see you're both still together." She sounded bitter. "Let's not do this here Jiae. You know the offer is still standing."

She scoffed. "Why would I?"

"If you could just set aside your stupid pride and your insecurities for just a minute and actually think about it. You would come to a much better conclusion."

Minho started to shake he still wasn't good with this whole conversation. He was a bit scarred from her outburst and it made him feel like he was really really weird.

Jisung noticed this and pulled him closer. He kissed his cheek and whispered something in his ear to calm him down. "I love you and you're perfect just the way you are." Before he turned back to Jiae.

"Stop being such a dick Jiae. You're hurting people around you. You're hurting the boy you like. I hope you know that. Reflect on your actions." Jisung said as he pulled Minho and the cart away.

Minho was a mess when they came home. He couldn't stop shaking. Not even the cats could calm him down. They cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie to distract Minho's mind.

Soon they fell asleep on the couch with not a care in the world. The movie still playing, cats curled up on their legs. It was peaceful it was heaven. This was home.

Next part will be the last one!

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