some typa' way, armin

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/ some typa' way. a. arlert /

 arlert   /

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tw . . . mature, female anatomy (she/her) pronouns, black coded reader, l word, switch armin, fingering, rough sex, titty fucking, raw dogging, blowjob, dirty talk, pn ( babe, baby ) alcohol, choking, mentions of overstim, (2) rounds, creampie

length. . . 11.4k

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ★

your miserable sighs radiated off the walls of the hazy and dimly lit bar. you twirl the callus of your index finger around the crystalline shot glass, thinking rough and hard about not only your life in nursing school but also the affairs in your outside life. you were exhausted no doubt. not only having to stay arm and arm with your work and professors but also having to do shifts at a nursing home to gain experience. you were working your ass off now, but you knew sooner rather than later it would pay off.

a life full of chanel bags, travel, dior, fun, first class, no kids, shaking ass on a lavish yacht with your bestest girlfriends, chauffeurs, and exotic restaurants.

to sum it up, a life you deserved.

but although that was the future and right now the present sucked, you still had things keeping you sane.

those things being those best friends you had plans doing not so classy activities with, the few professors that actually put in the work to explain materials to you after a long lecture, some of your co-workers,

and then last but not least—

your fuck buddy, armin arlert.

an upcoming police officer still undergoing school and training with his best friend, eren. you two had gone to different high schools but were initially introduced your junior year by your friend—christa, who you were also attending nursing school with.

the blonde didn't have as good a stomach as you did. she couldn't stomach wounds or even the thought of having to probably stick her hand in a woman during birth to potentially save their life if they were hemorrhaging. which is why you were a bit confused about why she wanted to join the particular field of nursing she did. but you were sure when it came time, she would find her place and not disappoint due to her concentrated and caring attitude.

but enough about christa. back to armin.

to put it simply, armin was sexy. and you knew the minute he got his uniform, gun, and badge, he would be the ultimate panty dropper.

but for now, he was yours.

you both had developed a friendship over time and it gradually got deeper by the time you two had graduated.

the first time you two had fucked, it was completely unexpected. you two were at a varsity college party and unlike your friends that were undeniably fitting in, you two had a much harder time. you had driven your drunk friends to your house and let them crash there. you were catching up with one another and one thing led to another and sooner rather than later you two were quietly and without any experience once however—sharing not-so-innocent touches in your old bedroom.

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