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"haerin! wake up!"

no can do. i can't, mom.

"im haerin, don't make me come upstairs."

footsteps coming. shit. shit. shit.

i pull myself out of bed, hurriedly running to the bathroom just across me. i can't risk being caught sleeping in again. i might be murdered the second she sees me.

"haerin?" i hear a knocking on my bathroom door, clearly audible to me that it was my mother.

"yes?" i reply to her call.

"downstairs, 10 minutes. breakfast." she leaves her last message for me to hear the sound of her footsteps fading through the tiny gaps of the door.

10 minutes? i'm doomed.

i quickly start brushing my teeth. oh god, why did you give me such an uptight mother? i'm grateful for her but i do think the punctuality is a bit unnecessary, you know? i'm going to school, not the war.

"come on." i rush myself with all the strength to turn and twist the shower tap. my mom definitely did not listen to me when i told her to get it fixed.

after struggling shortly, my thoughts flew in the air as i know i have no time to waste. after showering, i put on my uniform and grab my hairbrush and backpack as i run downstairs whilst trying to work my hair out.

"1 minute late, haerin." 

and? what did you expect, i don't shower?

as much as i would like to complain, bickering with mom doesn't help in anything. even so i know i'm not on the winning hand anyway, so why bother ruining my own day.

mom grabbed my hairbrush from my hand and sits me down at the dining table. there were only us there with a few of the housekeepers walking back and forth, casually doing their works. mom run her hands through my hair and tidy it up so i would look presentable for the world to see.

"your report card's coming today, first thing i want to see in my office after school. i need you to be on time today for piano lesson and your maths tutor is coming today for your report, precisely at 7. i invited her for dinner, i'll prepare your evening gown for you and i already informed your driver not to listen to any of your suggestions. make this easy for me, i'll make it work for you and your life." 

whatever you say, mother.

after putting on the head band on the crown of my head, she put the hair oil and hair brush inside my backpack. while she was at it, i just continue to munch on the sandwiches prepared mindlessly. it's pretty bland, like mom's personality.

"where's dad?" one can't help but not to realise the face that has been missing from the beginning of her day, especially since she's her father's daughter.

mom glares at me, "like usual."

things definitely hasn't been good for my parents. felt like a cold war but mom didn't want me to stick my nose in their relationship. she said it's not my business, interfering doesn't make things magically change. that's why she's been riding over my back with everything i got going on in life.

"finish your food. your driver's waiting outside." mom left me there, walking out of the room.

after she is out of sight, i reach for my backpack and walk out the door. said farewells to a few of the workers around the house before i went inside the four-wheeled drive parked in front of me.

the drive to school filled with silence per usual since my mom stricken the protocols for the houseworkers. mr. park isn't usually this silent but my mom is the one paying their salaries. i can't risk mr. park's job to be a part of the troubles i caused again.

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