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"yohan! yohan!" i call his name, pulling his arm and gripping his shirt with all my might. 

just as planned, we're in the middle of the said amusement park. exclusively on a weekend, it is foreseen to have many familiar people present here yet out of them all, only two people whose appearances weren't expected that we're about to cross path with. out of feeling alarmed, my instincts really got me almost hugging the tall figure i have been silently adoring in silence for the past minutes.

upon my sudden pull, yohan's focus shifts on me whose eyes couldn't stop trailing everywhere else while guarding my smaller physique with his bigger build. his eyes blink profusely, startled by my swift exertion upon his body. of course, wary of my own actions, my eyes make their way to yohan's as i seek for some sort of consent from the figure owner.

"come on." with all my might, i cling onto his arm and drag him away slowly to make sure the both of us doesn't catch the duo we're avoiding for the whole day. 

successfully making our way out of the scene, we hide behind a wall as our eyes locked on our targets which currently are walking side by side while getting lost in a conversation deep enough to not be able to recognise the sight of yohan and i. from afar, they seem to be enjoying each other's company. judging by my observation on the girl's body language, i could sense trust and mindlessness while the guy on the other hand is definitely a natural at making a girl laugh. 

cho seungyoun, you one lucky bastard. what kind of curse did he put on yeoreum to make her burst out laughing like that? it's been a while since i last saw yeoreum smiling ear to ear like that around a boy. even better, the boy is someone i highly approve of. thank goodness there's someone decent enough to come through rather than those scumbags she brought to me in the past. even better, this time, the guy walk in on his own will. if yeoreum says no to him, i might just have to break the cold harsh truth to her; that she might be alone for the rest of her life if she keep pushing away good people in her life.

the weight of the world has lifted from my shoulders upon witnessing my best girlfriend's perfect condition in the safety of a guy with deep feelings for her. now, my focus should be on the guy who brought me here- wait!

did yohan brought me here for this? so we'd be spying on them?

"it's a relief they're getting along well." the moment i turn to look at yohan, he's already looking at me. "aren't you glad?"

all i could do is nod as i turn back to face the direction of those two soon to be lovebirds. as much as i am happy to be seeing them, it still couldn't get onto the personal level like how it is when it comes to yohan. i thought escaping those two would mean we'll get to focus on spending the rest of the day together and turns out, i'm in the wrong. we're on this term only for them, not for us.

there's still plenty of time for me to make the best out of today, right? we're still together, no matter what. it's not like it's going to kill to spend time for the sake of other people's benefits. i still get him all to myself, even if it's just for today.

"haerin." upon hearing yohan's voice calling my name, my body turns around 180 degrees to face him. to my surprise, he is holding bear ears headband on top of me as he gently adjusts it to fit my head, tugging them in between my thick strands of hair. stunned at spot, my eyes are stuck on the bunny ears headband neatly placed on his head. just like his two front teeth, there's no denying the resemblance he has with a rabbit. is he well aware of it himself?

flashing the said features, a wide smile draws itself on his face, "did i put it on well?"

all i could do was nod as my cheeks start heating up as a result of my own blood rushing from all over my body, towards the heart and filling up my face with the natural red coloured tint it possesses. for god's sake, i'm so bad at hiding my feelings. he just put on a hairband on me perfectly and appealed his cutest feature, how could i not be out of my mind? 

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