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seungyoun screams his name and waves his hands high in the air, wanting to gain yohan's attention. the called name's owner doesn't budge even by the slightest. he's too focused in his practice that no one or nothing could bother him.

"shush!" the coach utters, not risking his athletes to be distracted.

seungyoun and i chuckle awkwardly out of embarrassment and bows 90 degrees towards the coach as a sign of apology. we both stand by the indoor bleachers, both fully immersed in yohan's current activity. he's in a fight with someone, kicking the chest of his opponent harshly until they falls flat on the ground.

i have no idea how taekwondo works but i'm impressed.

"atta-boy!" as if we weren't shushed just now, seungyoun shouts and  applauds like a seal as yohan finally turns to our direction. his welcoming smile forming fades away the moment our eyes meet. he looks stunned to see me here, indirectly expressing his confusion to why i am around.

"yohan." his coach calls for him out loud as their brief discussion turns inaudible when the both of them got closer.

i gulp, nervous upon seeing yohan's facial expression. in this short time meeting him, i realise that he's demonstrative when it comes to his feelings. even if he's silent, his eyes tell pretty much everything that is going on in his mind and heart. it's impressive to see how someone could be so honest without actually meaning to be.

"why was he looking at you like that?" seungyoun asks, breaking his silence. "what did you do?"

i raise my shoulders, "he probably wasn't expecting me here."

after yohan said his farewell to his friends, he grabs his sling bag and walk towards us. seungyoun smiles at him yet his eyes is stuck on me, not even hesitation could be seen in his two brown orbs to tell me that he's unamused by my presence. i look down at my shoes, scared to look him in the eyes as he gets closer.

"what are you doing here?" yohan asks, his eyes wide open with his eyebrows lifting in full expectation.

lifting my head, i muster my courage to give him a forthright answer. "i'm-"

"she was helping a teacher and we crossed path. i meant to say hi only but it's already late that i'm meaning to accompany her until her driver arrives." seungyoun cuts my sentence with a very different answer i was meaning to give; also somehow weakly nudging me to tell me to just go with the flow.

for whatever reason he's doing this, seungyoun's spin-off version of what happened manages to make yohan's focus turns back at me in a more stern than ever before gaze. "is this true?"

i look at him and yohan as i gulp, not knowing what to do other than agree with seungyoun. "yeah."

as if it's meant to, seungyoun's phone ring and he quickly picks it up. right timing! i might die if we're just gonna keep this up; especially when yohan's pierced gaze almost killed me. i have no idea why he's that mad but all i could tell is he's not enjoying his view when he saw me with seungyoun.

yohan and i stay silent, waiting for seungyoun to finish talking on the phone. 

"both of you." seungyoun's voice manages to grab our attention as he puts the phone call on hold. "i have to go now. urgent."

yohan and i are taken aback when our main focus started running out the place. cho seungyoun! after you lie, you're just gonna leave me here with yohan? this isn't called taking me to see yohan, this is just straight up abandoning me with him.

not even a minute after, it feels like i'm doomed.

"haerin." yohan calls with a straight face. "walk with me."

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