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i carelessly run down the stair; as a result of my forgetfulness to set my alarm clock, i am late. actually, it's a pretty normal time to wake up for other people with plenty time in my hand to still have breakfast and be early for school. it's just me that is not used to this schedule. mom would've- wait, mom didn't wake me up?

"morning, haerin." dad greets me, currently having his first meal of the day at the dining table. 

dad? in the morning? having breakfast? in this house?

am i still dreaming?

"don't just stand there. you'll be late if you don't have your breakfast now." dad signals me to come with his hand.

i nod and hurriedly march to the table, sitting far at the end of the table across where dad is located. in a heartbeat, i'm surrounded by three maids, fixing my plate without having to be instructed. by the pace they move, i couldn't seem to bring myself to speak up to them. dad wouldn't like it that her daughter's not enjoying the treatment he's brought me up with growing up.

dad wipes his mouth with the napkin neatly laid on his thighs, as if preparing to say something to me. outside of my expectation, he just lifts his head and stares while his mouth inside. his mouth is also still busy munching the food and the rise of his adam's apple on his neck signs his mouth has been cleared.

"where's mom?" without believing my own words, i ask the first in this lifetime's question to dad who once paid no attention to this family.

instead of answering my question, dad grins as if he's amused by my question. he reaches for his tall glass of water, cleaning his mouth with the liquid. i gulps, a little tense over my own curiosity. breaking the eye contact, i look down towards my plate and start to stuff my face with it.

"she's sleeping in."

i reach for my glass, sipping the water to clear my almost blocked throat and half-screaming recklessly, "you drugged her?!"

im haerin, you moron! why would you assume that?

dad chuckles, "no. i just did what any married couples do."

sex? upon my own thoughts, my cheeks uncontrollably flushed. you're such a pervert, haerin. 

"don't mind that fact. it's slipped my tongue." obviously, dad acknowledge his daughter's shameful reaction, "it's done. what you wanted, it's cleared."

my once redden face turns back normal due to the adrenaline rush resulted by dad's announcement, "really?! i don't have maths anymore?"

dad nods with a satisfactory smile, "turns out making something out of your mom is easy when done slowly."

"ew, dad, i don't think the details are necessary." without hesitation, my disgusted expression made it's debut there, fully immersed by what dad said.

my reaction gains loud laughter from dad, "sorry, i can't help that it slipped so naturally."

ignoring the fact a victory smile forms on my face, "thank you."

"don't mention it." the laugh sinks in with a smile appearing after it, "finish your food. remember, piano's at 7 tonight and thursday. i informed your teacher this morning about the change."

i nod upon listening to dad's notice attentively. it's new, all these participations of his in my life. dad hasn't been anywhere near nor anyway helpful for the past 17 years. this made my heart palpitates fast yet i'm well aware it wasn't exhilaration or anything positively related to it.

instead, it was the same kind as heartfelt yet it was more of a stabbing in the chest. the kind that is mixed of glad and alarming to the extent i felt the tingling all over my backbone. as delighted as i was about this, it made me feel uncomfortable; mainly because everything i'm aware about dad is contradicting to everything that occurred to me recently. 

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