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knock knock knock!

"excuse me, miss. sorry to disturb you but i brought a new student in this class." the moment i knocked on the door, everyone's attention shifts towards me.

"oh, kim yohan, is it?" she asks, signaling for yohan to come in. "haerin, you may go now. thank you."

i sigh in relief as i quicken my pace towards my class next door. laughters could be heard coming out from that classroom. classic mr. lee, he wouldn't start the day without cracking any jokes. while the atmosphere is nice, it's my chance to make an entrance.

again, i knock. "good morning, sir. so sorry i'm late."

"come on in, haerin. you're not missing out much." he signals with his finger for me to come closer. "may i ask why you're late, for the first time?"

i blink twice and gulp, "i was with a new student. the headmaster told me to show him the way to his classroom."

"alright, was he handsome?" the teacher asks and my pupils lost their control. really, right in front of everyone?

the teacher chuckled, "i'm joking, haerin. you don't have to answer me. you look like you saw a ghost behind me looking all pale."

i bow to him as i quickly move to my seat. why are you so tense, haerin? pull yourself together!

"where were we? right-"

as i was just about to focus on what mr. lee had to say, a voice calling my name caught me off guard, "haerin."

i turn to my right and face my best friend, yeoreum grinning at me, "is he handsome?"

not again.

he is. "no, not at all. no."

yeoreum pouts, "11th graders really don't have handsome guys outside of our class."

i can't believe she fell for that. but at the same time, i can't actually let yeoreum or anybody else like him. i'm the first person that sees him, i'm calling dibs. i need to keep him away from the other girls' knowledge.

he is umbrella yohan. i've been looking for him for the past years. he is my yohan.

yet again, i just know girls from other class will fall in love with him. not many has the face comparable to his except for the boys from our class. i've never been attracted to them but there's no denying that they are good looking.

no! even if he doesn't remember who i am, i can't let anyone come close to him, let alone date him. never, ever.


"haerin, you liar!"

shit, yeoreum definitely saw him.

"how could you lie to me? no wonder you're here, having lunch with wooseok, enjoying your date alone while i go to that crowded cafeteria alone." it's normal, yeoreum does get dramatic over stuff like this.

wooseok rolls his eyes, "shut up, yeoreum."

"how can i shut up when i saw the most handsome person alive? his presence, his face, from head to toe, he's the most perfect person." she exclaims. at this point anyone looking at her could already see the hearts in her eyes.

wooseok and i make eye contact awkwardly as we silently went back with our lunch box. 

"ignore me all you both want but all i know is wooseok and junho got rivals now." yeoreum states cockily, "or you three can form alliance and make an f4 with hangyul. the four of you will be unstoppable."

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