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"take care." exchanging farewells, i draw the prettiest smile i could on my face.

with his usual smile, yohan nods, "go on inside. i'll take my leave once you're in."

agreeing to what he says, my head bobs as i walk inside. the once fully closed gate slowly opens as i could see one of my houseworkers' silhouette through the dark tinted window. the moment my body fully enters the front yard, the gate moves back to its initial position. walking closer and closer towards the front door, the urge to turn around for the last time to see whether yohan has left or not hits me.

following my instinct, my body rotates 180 degrees and the same guy who brought me here becomes the first sight i caught. for the last time, i wave my hand at him as he returns the gesture. as thrilled as i am to still see him, i can't hold him there for any minute longer. he also has a home to return to.

taking a deep breath, i open the door as i step inside the house. quickly, i run to the nearest window, curious to know what yohan would do next even if he already told me he'll leave right after i go inside. just like he said, i watch him walk away as i could only sigh.

this is regretful. i should've at least called him a cab. why is it that after things have finished that these thoughts pass my mind? it's too late, brain!

as remorseful as i could be, it's not like i could control what has happened. now, i must think of my next move. what should i do? what should i do? what should i do?

right! i have his phone number. i'll just call him to make sure he's home safely.

"home so soon?" a recognisable stern tone coming from a woman so familiar to me appear out of nowhere. it isn't nowhere, it's her house. you should've expected it, you dummy!

"thought you forgot the way back home. who's that boy?" mom asks, with a very relaxed face yet her still stern tone is enough to know that beneath that composure she keep, there lies her anger.

automatically, my focus goes down to my feet, "a friend from school."

"he lives around here?" another question comes out of her mouth as i simply shake my head as a reply. 

mom let out an annoyed sigh, "i predicted that. where did you go, exactly?"

"school. there's a football tournament. after that, i went to have lunch at a restaurant and the amusement park." i simplify my answer, fear i might make a point that will be used against me if i put it in details. mom isn't interested in what i do. she's just curious of what i do wrong in her eyes.

"with that boy?" and the wrong thing is going out with a boy whom i like most.

i only nod as mom also nods, "have you done all your homeworks?"

thank god, she finds no wrong in that part! "all done."

"have some class, im haerin. stand tall, eyes on people when they talk." mom's fingers make their way to my chin as she lifts my head so she could look me in the eyes, "and by having some class i mean, don't be cheap. my friend caught you eating at that cheap restaurant with that cheap boyfriend of yours. what would people say when i let my daughter date, especially with a boy that can't afford to at least take you to a nice place for dining?"

what a fool, i was too quick to assume she'll let it pass. my loose fingers shape into a fist upon hearing my mom downgrading the boy i specifically like right to my face. god, please give me patience to hold it in so i wouldn't do something i would later regret! 

"do you want to end up living his poor life? you're our daughter, im haerin. you should've known better than to-"

"enough!" dad's loud voice echoes through out the house caught the both of us off guard, especially mom. she will definitely not let this pass so easily. she does not handle dad's criticism well and all hell shall break loose right this moment.

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