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the sun hides behind the grey clouds, warning the world of the incoming rain anytime now. as the dull atmosphere in school gets worse by the weather, my positive mood hasn't find a way to settle down - especially after yesterday's unplanned events on the bleachers. school hasn't been anyone's favourite place but now, at least to me, i would start seeing school with rose-tinted glasses knowing i would be seeing my special someone here.

humming the recommended song by yohan i played on repeat since last night, i hop around a little, undergoing a case of lost butterflies in my stomach overnight. if there is currently a person on this floor of the building near me, i'm quite sure they would assume i've gone bonkers by the way i grin from ear to ear and skipping instead of walking like a normal human being.

as per usual, i start my day by preparing my books for the first class. no one has arrived, giving me plenty of time to just be on my own. i love being alone, especially when i'm in such a peaceful state of mind. i get to be in my own bubble, daydreaming of what could be coming for me today.

"morning." wooseok's voice caught me off guard, stabbing my heart with just a word that meant nothing but a greeting. as i thought nothing is going to ruin my day, i forgot one little detail of my daily routine - kim wooseok.

do i answer him? or do i keep the cold war going?

shaken from my happy thoughts, i try my best to avoid any contacts from wooseok. as much as yesterday has been a good day for me, it only distracted me instead of curing the heartache. i needed closure but i still don't feel like saying anything to him. i know it's because of yohan yet i refuse to fully believe that's the only reason behind his words.

"yeah right, sick. sick of her."

what did he meant by that? did i let him be involved so much in my business that he's tired of being there? did i cross the line? 

i really want to take the words in as it is, as how it was said and by the person that said it yet all that causes a suffocating pain in my chest. it's killing me to know while at the same time knowing, my curiosity could cause me even more agony than i initially have.

i can't believe it, here i thought my day would start with optimism and i go on overthinking over a single "morning."

"haerin!" just as i meant to lose myself into my wounding thoughts, seungyoun came running to me. "thank you! you're my hero!"

blinking profusely, my eyebrows almost met each other, "what exactly am i a hero for?"

"yesterday morning and lunch break. you made me talk to her and i got to have lunch with her." seungyoun's smile widens, "i got to talk to her about lots of stuff."

"really? what did she said?" excitement towers over the gloomy me through this thrilling news of the ongoing progress of their slowly but surely blooming relationship.

the smiley face of seungyoun's turns red, "where do i start? this is too much. wait, i need to calm down." 

"first, when we talked yesterday, she gave me her phone number. she said she didn't have any way to keep in touch with me and i was the only person in our previous class she couldn't reach out to. i also told her about my football game and she told me she'll come to see it." with the way seungyoun is talking about yeoreum, everyone could see his round pupils turning into hearts. 

that's what love does to a person, huh?

"haerin, i think i'm in love with her." you weren't this whole time?!

my laughter bursts, feeling amused by seungyoun's statement, "what do you mean by you think? everything you said these whole time weren't love?"

"don't laugh! i thought of it as a more of a crush, the kind you stare from afar, admiring them. after talking to her, i'm fully sure i'm not just crushing hard. i'm already in love." wow, seungyoun. you're definitely a romanticist when it comes to yeoreum.

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