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right after all the student left to cafeteria for lunch, i reach for my bag to take out my lunch box. other than wooseok and me, the class has emptied. as usual, yeoreum left for the cafeteria with her girlfriends from next class; or probably yohan. either way, it doesn't matter. it's not like i'm yohan's girlfriend to be feeling this way. i'm just another girl wishing for my feelings to be reciprocated.

"haerin." wooseok calls my name, "are you listening?"

i break away from my soul eating thoughts, "sorry. it's hard focusing today."

right, i was supposed to listen to wooseok's ranting about his opinion on sports. 

"if you wanna talk about it, i'm here." he assures, not even bothered by the fact that i wasn't listening to his pep talk. as far as i could remember, he said something about football and last night's match? or was it ronaldo? whichever it is, i couldn't care less.

"no, it's not nicely worded yet for me to describe my feelings. i wouldn't want to hear myself speak without thinking it through first." i deny him as my hands busily preparing my meal to eat.

wooseok slightly nods, "if you say so. let me just tune in my playlist while you think."

pulling out his phone from his pocket, his first instinct was to play his spotify playlist. the first song he choose is jasmine by dpr live. it's his favourite song that he recommended before for me to listen but i'm more of a ballad kinda girl so it's not my cup of tea.

with only the song playing for 3 minutes, the silence between us haven't drown. it seems that all wooseok want to do is listen to me but now he's listening to music because of how i'm refusing to talk about my feelings. truthfully, i would hate to tell him that the music is distracting me from my aim to rationalise my feelings before i could talk to him about it.

it's fine, talking to him isn't gonna lift my sorrows anyway.

knock knock!

"excuse me." the voice of a male student appearing out of nowhere at the back door of our class broke the once tranquil moment.

he walks closer as wooseok and i turn around to identify the voice's owner. he looks familiar, i'm sure i've seen his face recently. 

"seungyoun." wooseok pauses the current song playing. "what brings you here?"

oh, cho seungyoun. that cool football player wooseok said the other day.

seungyoun smiles and points his index finger at me, "her."

the focus on him quickly diverts on me, "what? me?"

"yes, you." seungyoun sits on the empty chair in front of me as he turns around to face me.

"why?" i ask, dropping my spoon in the lunch box. i have never interacted with him, why would it be now? seriously, this day already started out bad, i'm not in the mood for more nonsense.

the curve shape of his lips possesses millions of unsaid demeanor, "you can continue eating, i just want you to listen to what i have to say."

i awkwardly nod as a reply and lift my spoon back up. maybe he assured me that i'm free to eat but it's abnormal to me that i'm letting someone talk to me like this while i stuff my face; especially with someone i'm not close with. 

the moment i return to my initial plan to fill my stomach, he let out his first question, "has yohan told you about this weekend?"

what weekend? what is he talking about?

"it is settled, then!", "see you around."


so that was what yohan was up to? not because he has a crush on my best friend but because his friend has? i've never felt this much desire to kneel in front of yeoreum out of forgiveness for the misunderstanding. kim yohan, you could've told me about this plan instead of leaving my question unanswered over you getting distracted. 

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