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"that was fun." i happily exclaims, waking up from my seat.

the game ended well with our school's team winning both the games and the sponsors. all of the people watching with us are slowly exiting the venue. after a while waiting for the crowd to disappear from here, i figure it's time for us to be dismissed.

"yeah, seungyoun was so cool." wooseok let out a compliment of one of the players.

i scoff, "seungwoo was way cooler." 

"what do you know about football? seungwoo is just standing by the goalpost waiting for ball." wooseok adds into the argument.

i shrug mindlessly, "i don't know anything about football but i could tell you that seungwoo is cool."

"cooler than me?" he asks, with a playful grin. stop fishing for compliments, kim wooseok! you weren't even playing just now.

i just roll my eyes as a response while we leave to grab our bicycle. the moment we got there, mine was nowhere to be found. even the locks disappeared.

"wooseok. my bicycle . . ." i pout with my head facing the ground.

he looks around, attempting to look for the missing two-wheeled ride. as i was just sighing there, i had accepted that it was stolen. being a realist wooseok is, i know he wouldn't give up on searching it for me.

"haerin." he calls as i quickly turn to look at him with hopes he'd find it. instead, he was stunned at spot with his index finger pointing at someone.

"your dad . . ."

i raise my head as fast as i could. hearing that word coming out of wooseok's mouth, it made my heart sinks. what is he still doing here? i thought the both of us were the last to leave. it didn't get better the moment i lifted my head due to the eye contact between me and my old man.

"haerin." dad smiles at me and walk towards me.

"hi, dad." i break eye contact, trying to pull myself together.

dad looks at wooseok, "you must be the boy next door. what's your name again?"

"wooseok." the younger replied in a heartbeat.

"ah, yes. would you like to join us for lunch?" dad invites him, knowing exactly i'll have to say yes to his appeal on wooseok.

not knowing what to do, wooseok could only nod, "sure, if it isn't a burden."

"never a burden. any haerin's friends are like my own children." yet not so much a dad to your own child.

without further questions asked, dad walks back and gets into his car parked there. he went inside his car and the car didn't take long to leave our sight. not too surprisingly, my missing two-wheeled ride is already tied to the back of another car - a new one, specifically considering dad hates big cars and it's unlike him to rent or use company's car.

"let's go, wooseok." without turning back to him, i walk towards the suv with wooseok following me from behind.

after the escort took care of wooseok's bicycle, we got into the suv. there is only silence filling the car as the driver and the escort isn't the ones i'm used to be around. if it was mr. park, i would've asked for the radio to be tuned. sadly, we're stuck with unfamiliar faces and headed to a place we know nothing about.

whatever dad is up to; bad or good, i refuse to be a part of it. i am unaware of whatever game he is playing and i don't like being around him. he's never around and to be under his radar is something i would personally prefer avoiding, especially when he's sober and outside of our house.

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