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"haerin!" an unexpectedly loud voice of that special someone calling my name rings in my ear.

the laughter shared between me and wooseok dies down the moment i hear yohan's voice calling my name. in a blink of an eye, i steal a glance right back at wooseok, who is definitely not a fan of who he's looking at. no matter how much wooseok dislikes yohan, i wouldn't risk the friendship i built with the guy i have a crush on over his baseless hatred.

"yohan!" with the same energy he gives, i reciprocate. "good morning."

yohan smiles at the both of us, "morning."

i nudge wooseok's arm to make the stern look on his face go back into hiding. he looks at me as i smile, giving him a clear instruction on what to do. awkwardly, wooseok smiles at yohan without no sarcastic or mean words coming out of his mouth. thank god, yohan doesn't feel uncomfortable over wooseok's unkind behaviour again.

"what are you doing here?" yohan asks.

"well, there's something going on in class." i meant to explain but i prefer to show him the receipts. "you know what, why don't you just come with us? it's nothing worth explaining."

yohan nods as he walks side by side with wooseok, which the both of them are following me from behind. it's probably nothing but i could feel the tension rising from my back as it's in all likelihood to be out of wooseok's aversion. as to yohan, he's got only anticipation drawn on his pretty face without going through what i felt over the two combinations.

as we get to the top, i stop at the door and followed by the two. snooping through the edge of the back door, my eyes are brought towards the two people wooseok and i left behind. the two seems very into it, giggling and laughing. in the first glance, anyone would think they're together if they have no idea of those two's situation.

"yohan, come." i signal yohan to come and share the view i'm facing. to my surprise, he moves closer than i expected, leaning his head next to mine as his chin slightly touching my shoulder. the blood running in my veins rush its way to my cheeks, making my heart works twice harder than it usually is to the extent i wish for yohan to not hear the sound of it.

please don't look at me. please don't look at me. please don't look at me.

"how did this happen?" as expected, the three inches gap between our faces has decreased as he turns his head to face me. with all the conscience i have in me, i turn to face him as i swallow all the saliva filling my mouth.

"i told seungyoun to come to school early today to meet me. i plan it for them to be left together for these few days before the big day. it'll help to not make yeoreum feel uncomfortable to be around seungyoun this weekend." as i finish my explain and it receives the prettiest smile from yohan. god, can time freeze now? i hate to have to live the next days in this lifetime without seeing his life-changing smile.

"you're a genius!" yohan exclaims, exhilarated to hear what i had in mind.

wooseok walks over passing the both of us, breaking the eye contact yohan and i shared as he pretty much disturbed yeoreum and seungyoun's moment together. kim wooseok, you're dead!

"oh, aren't you sick? where's haerin?" yeoreum's voice reaches to me when she catches wooseok's presence.

wooseok's eyes roll, "yeah right, sick. sick of her."

at that time, i feel the heated cheeks on my face that is caused by yohan turns more of a fiery heat. what is wrong with him? seriously, i want to scream in his face over his unreasonable behaviour. first, he said he's fine with being dragged into this plan until yohan came along, he couldn't even let it pass.

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