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"you're gonna eat that or not?" yohan asks with his mouth fully occupied by food. seriously, this boy. i really forgot he's an athlete and they eat a lot, especially in sports that require core strength like taekwondo.

"you finished five sandwiches in one go. let me eat mine in peace." i protect my sandwich away from being touched by yohan. seriously, he has gastritis and is he also attempting to have indigestion? i take back what i said about freely giving everything i could to him when everything seems to not be enough for him and even more, harming him.

yohan giggles joyfully upon managing to tease me, "fine, fine, i'll eat something else."

"won't you be needing medicines after eating that much? i'm scared it might affect your stomach." i ask him if he'll be needing anything aside from more food.

he shakes his head, "your food healed me. i'm even capable of running. just watch me."

"no running, please. and, eat your food slowly, or you'll choke. i don't know how to do cpr." like a mom scolding her child, i try to stop the newly energized yohan. i haven't got the idea how he went from someone who's unable to even walk straight to this cute kindergartener yet it doesn't mean that i'm not liking it. 

it's fresh, though he had shown this goofiness of his a few times and i couldn't help but to wonder . . .

am i the only person that has seen it here? 

if i am, i want to keep being the one. 

"haerin, i think i'm in love with bread." he happily exclaims, smiling like a fool while staring at the sandwich in his hand. really? bread? what about me? i bought you that sandwich.

shaking my head, a smile still manage to creeps on my face, "eat it, then."

"no, you should eat it. i might get sick if i eat more of it." i've been warning you for the past three sandwiches and you're just realising it now? well, more for me then! - wait a second . . .

he's "in love" with this sandwich yet he gives it to me? i know he said he "might get sick" but still, he gives me the food he's currently obsessed with. this is absurd of me but i think i'm starting to be imagining things in my head.

wake up, im haerin! it's just a sandwich . . .

. . . but it's from yohan. even if i was the one that bought it, it's meant to be his. i give it to him and he lets me have it. isn't it something to be considered a little romantic? even so, he declared of his love towards bread and he gives it to me- just eat that damn sandwich, you pathetic deluded girl!

the sandwich that he was staring at is now placed in front of me. my hands make their way to it, opening the packaging carefully to make sure the crumbs doesn't spill all over the table. slowly, i lift the bread up towards and into my mouth, savouring the first bite. i've been having the same bread this whole time but it taste different now with the way i'm currently feeling. yohan, you really have no idea how impactful you are to someone like me, huh?

"do you know who's our student council's president?" starting over with a new topic to be discussed, yohan makes eye contact with me. 

gulping the chewed sandwich in my mouth, i nod, "yeah, it's senior park seonho from class 12-4. why do you ask?"

"i'm interested in running for student council next year." straightforward he replies, sipping his smoothies. oh, seungyoun didn't lie after all.

hiding the fact that i figured it out before he told me, i fake an excited face, "you too? that's fascinating! i've also been considering it."

"it would be so cool if you and i end up together. we'd make a great team." mindlessly said, my words gain a taken aback reaction by yohan.

really, im haerin? why would you say that in front of the kim yohan?

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