Chapter 2: Eye on the Sun

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I hear...voices.

I hear voices.

Somewhere close, but not close. Distant, yet not so much. Muffled. Maybe in the next room. Is there another room? I don't know. I haven't really looked, but I hear talking. The twins maybe.

I listen. Or rather, I try. I try to listen, to hear them. I cannot tell what is being said, but I'm almost certain I can hear Asahi's voice. He always sounds so much more coarse and harsh compared to Akihiko. He speaks, then another voice hums, but it isn't Akihiko.

Curious, I try to concentrate and listen. Try. I focus as much as I can in on the voices, listening. It takes an immense amount of concentration and focus, but I can't pinpoint the voice. That is until I hear Asahi say Re-Destro's name.

I knit my brows and wince from the pain in my skull, then reground myself.

They must be on the phone with Re-Destro, but why? Did I miss something? I try to listen again, but the words are all so muffled and difficult to decipher. Then, I hear Dabi's voice. I still can't quite figure out what is being said, but I know I hear him. It must be a conference call.

They go back and forth, all the words and phrases becoming jumbled and tangled. At one point, I detect a brief wave of hostility, but it is short-lived. As quickly as it arises, it dissipates, but then, I hear another voice.

His voice.

My heart skips a beat and leaps all at once before falling to the pit of my stomach. I want to yell – to call out to him, but my throat is dry, and my voice is buried somewhere deep in my chest. All I can muster is a cough that scrapes my throat, leaving this burning sensation.

I curl more in on myself, holding my arm close. Tomura. I heard his voice. They were talking to him. I don't know why. I don't understand, but I know I heard him. I heard him and now... Now there is something in me that is crying. I don't know what or why, but there is.

I wish I could reach out and touch him. To reach through that phone and feel him. To have his warmth caress me. To just be embraced by him. I shouldn't even want that. Not after everything that's been said and done. I should want nothing to do with him.

Logically, that should be what I want. Should be. However, as I hear the faintest traces of his voice, my body reacts. My ears nearly perk as butterflies fill my stomach. And I wish it wasn't that way. Truly, I do, but here I am. Lonely and missing him. Stupid and foolish.

But as quickly as I hear him, his voice fades and silence falls, and for a moment, I almost believe I imagined it all. But then, I hear him again. So much clearer and so much stronger.

"I will not be doing that. Your demands will not be met. In other words, fuck you."

I smile. Good. I don't know what they demanded of him, but I'm glad he's standing against that. Whatever that is. However, it is a short-lived relief because I eventually hear the smooth chuckle of Asahi's voice. It curls, almost like a purr, sending chills down my spine. And I hear every single word.

"Well, that's a shame. It looks like my brother and I will just have to find what to do with the damaged goods. She has such a pretty face and nice physique, plus, she's a foreigner. I'm sure she'll go for a pretty penny on the black market. Then again, we could always have some fun with her ourselves." I shiver. "But she does have that gnarly injury on her hand. She probably needs medical attention. In fact, if she gets an infection, it won't matter what we do. She'll be dead before we can act."

I don't know if I buy that. I am injured, yes. However, I doubt it's that serious. Dire enough to say I might die. It's laughable. But then I think more clearly. I can't feel my left arm. Nothing from my fingertips to my shoulder. Not a damn thing. And not just that. As far as I know, it hasn't been properly cleaned or bandaged. Not unless the twins did it, but I can't open my eyes long enough to look. Which means, it could get infected. Could. It might also not.

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