Chapter 7: Concrete Falls with Ashes

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Glass rains down like ice fractals, shattering on the ground.

Splintering into hundreds, maybe even thousands of pieces. All shimmering under the dim light as they dance.

The crashing of the glass followed by the heavy fall of our soles stirs one of the twins. I don't know which, and I don't really care. A mix of surprise and astonishment, followed by anger contorts his expression as he jumps to his feet. His eyes bounce from one face to another, that same dire desperation in his eyes.

He clearly wasn't expecting us. Not with how he was just sitting there on some broken-down sofa they must have found in a dumpster. Sitting there and mindlessly scrolling on his phone. Mundane and predictable, but the crashing of our bodies flinging themselves through glass has disturbed all that.

But despite the surprise, we don't give him time to think. Immediately, we charge at him, our feet falling heavily. Dabi reaches him first, nearly tackling him when the twin snaps.

"Son of a bitch. I knew we should've left sooner." He evades Dabi's tackle, then manages to also avoid the whisking blue flames. "Fucking hell! Asahi!"

Well, not that I care, but this must be Akihiko. Still, I don't care. They're both going to be dead by the end of this.

Dabi throws another blazing attack, and just like before, Akihiko dodges. Honestly, it's decently impressive. For him being a bigger guy, he sure can move it when he wants. I thought he was just some slow slump who doesn't have an urgent bone in his body. Then again, I guess anyone would learn how to hustle when flames are being thrust at them.

I'm about to jump in and start going after him when I hear muttering, catching my attention. As if by design, my eyes wander, falling on a random doorway just as the other twin comes barreling out of it, and my blood runs cold.

It's quick, yet not quick enough because I still see it. The way he moves and adjusts himself then zips his pants. It's a motion all men know. We all do it. I'm no stranger to it. And unless he just finished taking a fat shit...

He touched her.

I know he did.

I can just tell.

He fucking touched her.

It's instantaneous. This feeling that overtakes me. It simmers and bubbles to life like a light. A zapping electricity that hums. And I feel it all swell to life deep in the hollowness of my soul. A pure and unadulterated rage that blinds my vision, and before I know it, I've redirected myself, charging at him.

He sees me, just nearly evading my outstretched hand as the anger still swirls. I want to kill him. I want to kill him over and over again, and when I'm done, I want to kill him again. To watch as his skin cracks and decays, fluttering in the breeze like some kind of human confetti.

"What the fuck?" he huffs as he catches his footing. "How the hell did they find us?"

"Probably tapped the call!" the other twin yells, once again dodging Dabi. "I told you! I told you that they would get Skeptic to tap the call!"

"How was I supposed to know? I thought he was just as loyal as us to Re-Destro!"

"Well, look how that's going for us!"

They're bickering, but they're still evading every hit. I don't get it. All that time at the base, they never seemed to be in a hurry. Probably because they had no reason to be. But now, they're moving as if their lives depend on it.

Because they do.

A whip of Dabi's flame almost brushes Akihiko's upper lip, causing him to stumble back.

Her Touch ~Tomura Shigaraki x OC AU~Where stories live. Discover now