2. The Boss

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You shift your weight to one leg while putting your arm on your waist, turning around to look behind you, as if you're looking for someone at the door, then back at him. "Well, we don't see anyone else walking through that door, do we?" You said sprinkled with a pinch of sass.

Deception was one of the first skills you learned when you joined the CIA. You were going to spend most of the time pretending to be someone else almost all the time during missions, and you were good at it. But today, you don't feel the need to put on a mask. Something about this guy.

Tony tilted his head to one side and smirked, putting his hand down on the headrest of his chair. You notice how his left cheek formed a few lines as he did so.
"I can tell already that this is going to be an interesting night." He said this as he moved around, sat on the chair, and leaned back.

"You have no idea." You said, and moved ahead to take a seat. You referred to the mission, of course.

Tony tilted his chin down and looked up at you with a grin, "I have a feeling I'm about to find out. So, what's your story? How did Pepper manage to dig you up?"

She didn't! She dug the real Sonia Davis, she's going to be a model, and this was supposed to be the girl's first gig.
Sorry, darling.

You leaned in and put your elbows on the table,"Let's just say I'm good at what I do."

"And what do you do exactly?" Tony said as he leans forward to put one of his elbows on the table and put his face in his palm, he raises an eyebrow at you.

Did he just copy my body language? Yep, he did.
Knowledge of body language comes in very handy during interrogation, but you can't stop yourself from using it in your daily life.
Basically, people copy others body language subconsciously to make them more likeable.

You glanced to your side and back to him, smiling, "Well, I'm going to be a model and I'm trying my hand at acting. I'm a woman of many talents."

LIES! But you cannot straight up tell him that you're here for some spying.

Tony chuckles as he throws his head back and says, "I'm sure you are. Well, I have to say, I'm a little surprised at Pepper's choice." I know! Me too, Tony! Me too...

"Really? Why is that?" You asked just for the sake of it.
All this time, Tony's eyes twinkled with flirt.

"Umm, Let's just say you don't exactly scream 'Stark Industries approved.' " He said it with a wink.

You scoffed.

There were rumours of Tony and Pepper dating, and you were told about this during your prep period as well. Pepper mostly accompanied Tony to various charity fests, meetings and events. She would be Tony's date today as well if a malfunction wasn't caused by your background team in her jet. No hard feelings Pepper but we've got a threat to take care of.

He laughed and added, "Oh, no, that's not at all a problem. I'm just surprised Pepper would choose someone who isn't, you know, a walking, talking logo." He shrugged innocently.

Funny! You chuckle and lean back in a professional way, "I'll take that as a compliment. I'm a little different, you know."

"It was..." He said, and smiled.
Is he hitting on me?
There was a moment of eye contact that felt longer than it was.
"Alright, congratulations! You won the jackpot! You'll be my date for the night, so let's get this show on the road." He got up and gestured for you to follow him.

He leads you outside the office, into the corridor, and into the lift. As the lift closed, Tony said,"Jarvis, take the lady and your daddy to the guest room, would ya?" A smile spread on your lips as you shook your head.
"Right away, sir." Jarvis replies.

The lift opens after skipping a floor while going upward. You see a spacious living area with an attached kitchenette on your right. On your left, there was a sofa set in front of the TV.

"So, here we are. The guest room is all yours. You'll find everything you need to get ready for the party in the bedroom upstairs." Tony said, looking at you,"Let me be your tour guide, Sonia." He extends one arm to show you the stairs to your right, just as you stepped out of the lift. You follow him.

It wasn't the first time you've been to a posh place, but this place easily makes the top five. You looked around with wide eyes. This was the only time you were acting.

He opens the door for you, and gives you a smile. You smile back at him as you brush past him, entering the bedroom.
Tony leans on the door and folds his arms in front of his chest, as you look around. Three mannequins stood infront of you wearing three differently styled dresses, each spectacular in its own way.

"This is amazing. Thank you Mr. Stark." You said looking at the dresses.

Tony smirks and says," Please, call me Tony. You're my date after all."

You look at him and say,"Alright, when do you expect me to be downstairs?"

He glanced at the watch,"It's 4 right now, 6 is fine by you?" He asked.

"Alright!" You smiled.

Tony grinned at you,"Can't wait. And don't worry, I won't peek." There's the flirt you've already started to miss.

You chuckled and said,"I'm not worried about that, Mr. Stark."

He laughed," okay, I have some work to finish, then I'll get ready too. And it's Tony."
You nodded. Tony leaves, closing the door behind him.

You go ahead to lock the door, then flip out your phone to text your Beta, second in command, Ryan:

"My ticket is confirmed, gonna get ready now :) "

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