7. Deal?

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Pepper stands in front of you, looking at you with curiosity in her eyes. She is the co-CEO of Stark Enterprises. Diagonally behind her stood the green eyed assassin with hair redder than Pepper; Natasha Romanoff, the Russian spy and S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. You and her have a lot in common, that's why, you have to be the most careful around her.

"I'm your new assistant, Miss. Potts." You say giving her a made up smile. Tony's behaviour was hurtful and you are using all your masking skills to put a smile on that face, and to make your eyes look brighter.

"Oh. Then, I officially welcome you to the Stark Enterprises. Miss...?" Pepper extends her right arm at you, asking for you name.

"Her name is Sonia Davis." Tony spoke up from behind before you could even open your mouth. He has started to mess around, stating very clearly that he is going to make your stay very difficult.

You glare at him for a second with a smile on your face, and improvise to cover this, "Mr. Stark , you mistook what I said. Sonia is my friend who went with you that day..." You look back at Pepper, taking her hand, "I'm y/n y/l/n, pleasure meeting ya, Miss. Potts."

"Oh, yeah, my apology, I thought you were her." Tony says looking at you with an evil smirk, then starts to walk towards the door, "I have some business to attend to in the lab."

"Tony you cannot run forever. I-" Pepper says at his back just before Tony slams the door shut. Pepper says to Natasha, "-Swear, if I hear him donating anything without my knowledge, I'm gonna walk into that lab with a knife." She's clearly fed up of him.

Natasha smiles and says to her, "Okay I'm done hunting Tony. I'm gonna go find Clint." Then says to you, "Nice to meet you, y/n."

"Nat, could you please do me a favour?" Pepper asks her, "I have an important meeting right now, so could you please help y/n with her orientation? I've allotted a spare living area to her." She says and clicks on the device in her hand.

"Okay, I need to kill time anyway." Nat says nodding slightly.

Pepper smiles at her and gets busy with her work. You follow Natasha into the lift, and it starts moving upwards.

"So what's the mission?" Nat asks you very calmly staring at the lift door.

(I know you're good at this but you ain't gonna bluff me, Nat...)

"What?" You say acting innocent.

"Don't act smart. I know a spy when I see one. Except I have never seen you in SHIELD." Still staring at the door.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Miss. Romanoff. I'm here for a job." You say.

"Ofcourse you are, y/n." She looks a you this time, but with a smile. The lift opens, breaking the tension.

Natasha walks out showing you around and you follow her. It is a very spacious living room, and which caters to every entertainment need. It had a huge television, an attached open kitchen, a dining area, an arcade, and a glass wall with a stunning view. By now, you believe that every floor has that glass wall. She tells you this is where the gang hangs out most of the time.

Natasha then leads you to the gym and training area, which was on the floor above this one. There you meet Steve Rogers and Clint Barton, who were training.

"Guys, we have a new assistant." Natasha introduce you to the boys. They stop their routine and start moving in your direction.

"Hello, I'm Steve." He says with a polite smile.

"Y/n. I've read a lot about you Captain." You say smiling back at them.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Clint." Clint introduces himself.

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