19. Haunted By Your Ghost

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Tony watches Yuri giving you everything you ask for. He tells you Blackhand is planning to combine Chitauri tech with the vibranium and weaponize it. He tells you that there's a factory somewhere in Nebraska, and that he doesn't know the details being just the delivery guy.

Since his body indicates he's telling the truth, you believe him.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Yuri." You start to walk away when he interrupts,

"Now tell your mates to back the fuck off," the father speaks.

"Oh, consider that done." You pretend to text someone and walk away.


In the lift, Tony keeps staring at you leaning against the back wall, his hands folded in his front. You are standing one step ahead of him, feeling his astonished eyes on you.

"You know, it's not too late to try out for acting? You can be the next Kristen Stewart. Maybe you can replace her. How long you'll live like a struggling theatre artist?" He finally speaks.

You give him a side eye, "oh please, I'm doing great,"

"No you're doing stupid," he speaks. The lift opens into Tony's lab where Jarvis was done with tracking Shadow's message. You turn around to award him with a glare at what he just said, and he was about to bump into you.

"If that's how you say thanks, you're welcome!" You say looking into his eyes from inches away.

You turn around again, literally snatching your eyes from his(which was very difficult), to walk closer to the workstation.

"Yea, thanks to you, Cindy, now Blackhand might know our location because of the call you made fifteen minutes ago for your 'foux flash'." He rambles following you, "Because breaking news! We're not the only ones who can track something and that was a damn call!"

Your lips form a tight line and your body suddenly gets tense on the realisation. You're too caught up to correct Tony on his mispronunciation of Fauxforce. You turn to Tony who's now standing beside you, "Why haven't I thought about that? Fuck!" You brush your hair with both your hands, pulling them slightly. "O my God, Tony. I'm so stupid."

You didn't realise when you started pacing the floor.

"Tony, we need to go, now!"


CIA Headquarters

Your knee shakes without your notice as you lean against the wall in the waiting room of CIA headquarters, in Virginia. Yes you are on your own.

Even though Jarvis traced Shadow's message to some extent, it wasn't precise. Tony wanted you to go to the Avengers Tower to finish the mission but you called your shot.

"What are you looking at?" Yuri interrupts your conversation with self. He's sitting across the room with his hands tied, guarded by two of your subordinates.

You realise you were blankly staring at him. You blink away, to look at the door, behind which sits Ravena, who's making you wait just to increase the tention.

Tony tried talking to you on your way here, his talk were mostly questions. He's curious, you know that. Why wouldn't he be? If you were in his shoes, you'd have questions too. But it doesn't matter now. That chapter is finally over.

Anything can happen today. The consequences of going against the protocols can be gruesome or as mild as a new mission.

"Y/n, you're up." The lady sitting beside the door indicates you to walk in. You nod at her, too tensed to smile and walk upto the door. Letting out a deep sigh, you enter the office.

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