5. Day-mare

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"for a not-much-of-a-dancer you're doing pretty well..." Tony says looking down at you.

"You are not so bad yourself, Tony." You look into his eyes and smile. Those brown eyes.

This is the first time you're this close to him. You don't feel the need to act, and you find yourself actually enjoying the dance.

"So how do you kill time when you're not killing people with a glance?" Tony says.

"I love to explore new places around the world, if you're asking what I do in my free time." You answer that trick question.

Tony's eyes lights up. "You do? Where have you been recently?"

"I've been to Afghanistan, a few weeks ago."

"Nope. Change the topic." Tony looks away, the smile never left his face. You chuckle.

He looks back at you hearing you chuckle, "So modelling huh? I'll have to keep an eye out for you in all the fashion magazines."

(Okay, he's flirting with me.)

"That would be nice. I love to express myself through art and fashion." You improvise.

"Oh I can see that. You do look like a work of art tonight." Tony says. You can feel the heat under your cheek when you can't stop smiling.

"You're quite the charmer, but I can't say if that's working on me..." You said after controlling your smile.

"I think it's working pretty well..." Tony says with his innocent smile.

You look at your feet, only to feel him gazing at you.

You know this is going to be over soon and you will never see him again. This has happened before, but this is the first time you wish to stay a little longer.

A few more minutes went by swaying to the music silently. You feel the tranquility you've never felt before, and you are quite sure Tony feels it too. You take in every single detail of that face to remember.

"Boss, your car is waiting outside." Happy's voice breaks the spell, and you look at him. Tony nods at Happy and he leaves. You pull away from him, both of you start to walk towards the door. You pull out your phone and text Ryan,

"Send the taxi."

You just crossed the door, leaving behind the yellow ambiance, when you said,

"Quite the night. I don't think I'll ever forget it. Thank you, Tony, you're a good sport."

Tony smirks and puts his hands in his pockets, "I am, right? I know. I had fun too. Plus, you're not so bad to look at." He winks at you.

You laugh and say, "Thank you, I guess?"

You see Ryan pull up in front of Tony's car.

"Is that your ride?" Tony asks you looking at the car.

"Yep." You replied.

"So this is where we say goodbye." He gazes at you for w moment, then pulls out a card pad and a pen from his pocket, scribbles something on it, tears it off and gives it to you.

Taking it you say, "What's this?" And start to walk towards the cars, Tony follows you, "Oh. My. God. Did Tony Stark just gave me his number?" You mock him turning around. He rolls his eyes.

"I had a pretty normal date for the first time, thanks to you. And I'd love to go on another one." He says opening the door of your car.

"Awe. Thanks, Tony. You know, besides your billionaire playboy reputation, you're a gentleman too." You say and sit in the car. Tony grins.

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