18. Fauxforce

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You tilt your head away from him and meet his eyes. You can feel the wine is showing it's effect on you, but it's not too strong. You gesture him to ask the question.

"Remember when you were about to walk into the cassino dressed like a blackhole, and I held your shoulder...?" You know where this is going. You nod at him, "You winced, almost like you were scared for a moment..."

You've definitely moved on from your past, the memories don't hurt you anymore, but it still affects you.

Putting both your palms down, you lean on them.

"I don't like being touched. It... It doesn't feel right." You finally say, but look away.

Tony's eyes flicker with compassionate curiosity as he observes your hesitation. "And uh..." He takes a moment to choose his words carefully, his voice gentle yet inquisitive, "anything specific behind it?"

You watch the stars dance in the moving water, far in the ocean... feeling the swirl of emotions building inside you.
Tony says,

"it's okay if you don't want to share it, I was just curious." He finishes his drink.

You take a deep breath. Your heart sinks when the thought of what happened at your ex's place, flashes in front of your eyes. And how you keep it inside since forever.

"It's not an easy story to tell," you begin, your voice soft. "There are things in my past that have made me..." you pause, "When someone touches me I feel anxious that they'll hurt me," The alcohol in your body contributes to your openness,
"It's a defense mechanism, I suppose..."

You glance at Tony, his eyes gazing somewhere far, but he's listening intently. The eyes which now appear dark due to the lack of light, have a softness of understanding. You cannot look into them and a few tears start to pool in your eyes. The chaos of mission helps numb the pain so it's been a while since the last time you mourned your past.


Tony's POV

Right now

His heart aches at mere imagination of what you've been through to become wary of touch. He won't push you further to tell him exactly who did this to you just so he could make his life a living hell. That would be so selfish of him, he thinks.

He cannot meet your eyes after your confession, so he gazes into the ocean, at the flying seagulls, thinking about all those things he would do if he gets hold of that person. That somehow relieves him.

When you are quiet for too long, Tony glances to find tears hiding behind those eyelashes. He wants to comfort you but doesn't want to trigger you either. He tries to say something but he's at a loss of words. What should he do? Put a hand on your shoulder? Nope, not a good idea. Hold your hand and tell you that it's gonna be okay? Maybe a little too much for you.

He looks down at your hand that rests beside the wine bottle. He cannot leave you like this, and he doesn't know what to do in situations like this. He never had to face something similar, mostly because he never cared enough.

He gently slide his hand to reach yours, until his pinky finger touches yours. He waits for you to notice it, and to give him a sign or say if you don't like it.

He gently puts his pinky on yours and glances at you for any sign of uneasiness. When he's sure that you are at ease, he wraps your pinky finger with his, entwining them, holding it gently.


Y/n's POV

Right now

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