35. Lovestruck

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The exam is done away with and now let's get back to where we left, shall we? 😌

*The next thing that I'm going to say is gonna apply to the readers who have already read the last two chapters before 04.27.24*

So before you read this one, I request you to read the last two chapters (33 & 34). I rewrote them with a slightly changed trajectory. Thank you.

The rest of you are good! I love you all enjoy! 🪄

I've already written the next few chapters so new updates will be soon!


"Hey," he comes around you to face you, "hey y/n look at me, it's okay. really. It was fun." taking both your cold hands into his.

"No this isn't a game, Tony. I..." you whisper to yourself and snatch your hands away from his gentle grip, "I can't do this." You slowly walk away from him, "I cannot let you deal with me and spoil your life in the process. It's not fair. Do you even know why I'm not letting you in?"

"I mean it's always been at the back of my head," he babbles, unsure what to do right now.

"Tony, I- I am all defensive to touch. It's not in my control and very complicated. It's scary. I don't think you'd like to sleep with a ninja. And I didn't mean actually sleeping when I said sleep. I don't want to spoil your life while you help me heal something you never hurt. You deserve... Well, everything you have, plus your ideal woman, who would let you touch her like normal people do! Who can not be me."

Tony stands there, absorbing every word you've spoken, his heart is heavy with the weight of your pain. Oh how he wants to bring Josh back to life just to kill him again. What had he done to such beautiful soul?

He watches your silent figure, your vulnerability laid bare, and his instinct is to rush to your side, to wrap you in his arms and shield you from the world. But he knows better than to act on his impulse. Instead, he takes a deep breath, steadying himself, and steps forward cautiously.

He walks closer to you, tilts his chin down to look at you through his eyebrows while his lips disappear into a thin line between his moustache and goatee.

"Y/n," his voice softer than you've ever heard before. You cannot meet his eyes but he continues, "I am not here to hurt you, and I won't let nobody even touch you unless that's what you want." You look up into his eyes, "We can stay friends and forget about what happened right now but before we walk out that door answer me honestly," he pauses, "Do I put you at ease?"

You scan his face, and all you could find is sincerity. You know your body acts differently around him. His touch doesn't startle you, and even if your mind resists giving in, you body has already chosen to trust him blindly so much so that it can differentiate between his touch and any other.

You hesitantly nod at him.

"Good. See, you know yourself." His warmly smiles, "And You just kissed me a few minutes ago so I'm guessing you want me just as much I do." The corner of his lips curl a little more that he couldn't help, "so I'm gonna.. let's just try something. We will stop anytime you feel it's too much." He pauses, "do you trust me?"

You can feel your eagerness invoking inside you. You don't feel like using your voice, so you observe instead and nod a yes.

He takes a step closer, deliberately, slowly, giving you ample time to react or retreat if you need to. His eyes never leave yours, as he searches for any sign of discomfort or hesitation.

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