12. Stubborn

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You sit there in the interrogation room with your hands tied behind your back and all the eyes on you. You cannot believe what you just agreed to. But what choice do you have? Either you help them to bring down BlackHand, about which you barely have any information... Or you let the Avengers figure it out on their own, which has a potential to unleash another World War; Avengers vs BlackHand.

Having partial control in this 'side mission' is better than staying in the dark. Even though it might cause you to lose your job.

"I thought I convinced you Romanoff. What happened?" You say. Natasha goes at your back to free your arms.

"You're good, I'll give you that." She says untying the knot. "I almost believed you, but assitants usually panic when they see a gun." The rope falls down and you bring your hands to your front. You look at the bruises caused when you tried to set yourself free.

You circle each wrist one by one to help the blood flow, while your gaze follow Nat as she walks back to stand beside Steve. "Then, I saw Tony's speech from that night, looks like Sonia took a stroll, and had a plastic surgery later."

You look down at your wrist, secretly admiring Natasha's skills.

"I'd like to see what happened behind my back." You hear Tony demanding for that video.

"Freshen up. We'll see you in the meeting room." Steve says walking out. Natasha and Bruce follow him out, leaving you and Tony alone.

Tony gives you a look, but you look away in disappointment. His lips part to say something, but gives up and walks out.


You sit in front of the mirror, wearing a tank top and shorts, after a long warm shower. The first thing that catches your attention is the red cut on the side of the forehead, there is bruse around it. It looks bad. You try to check it by touching it. It stings.

Not a good idea.

There are bruises on your shoulder too. You've already seen the rope marks on your wrists and ankle but your face looks a little beaten up as well, with a little cut on the corner of your mouth.

You look around for the medical kit you carry, but couldn't find it. Natasha and Steve must have moved it while they were looking around your room for clues.

You hear a knock at the door.

"Come in." You say, and look at the door through the mirror.

You face immediately drops when you saw who it was.

"Ah! You're looking... Fresh. That's good to see." Tony says giving you a forced smile. You can see he's a little nervous.

"I don't think I can say the same." You say, subconsciously putting a hand on your forehead. You let out a hiss when you accidentally touch your wound.

"Yea, I just came here to talk about-" He says letting himself in. "About what happened downstairs."

"Don't." You turn your chair around to face him. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Yea, well... I do. And if you just stay sat and listen to me, that'd be great,"

"No, Tony, I get it, You were trying to be a team player. I understand why you did what you did. Now just give me some peace and walk out that door." You look away.

Tony knows you're fiesty at the moment. He knows he needs to apologize but he's not really good with this kind of a conversation.

"That's what you think? I saved you from getting thrashed. I know her, she was going to break you down bit by bit. I've seen her do that many time, you would have spoken up yourself at last. And the thing you were trying to keep from her, wasn't worth it." He says while his hands and head moves around, emphasising his words, "So, if anything, you should be thankful to me."

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