40. A New 'Vision'

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You open your eyes, waking up to the most beautiful scene you've ever witnessed. He lay on his side so close beside you, his gentle breath falling on the curve of your neck every time he breathes out. Goddamn it, he's so pretty, you think. You turn to your side to face him and feel his hand sliding on your waist. Oh, did you wake him up? His long and thick eyelashes are still guarding your weakness.

Gently grabbing his hand by the wrist, you slowly put it on the bed near his chest. You look down at his lips, that just twitched. You kissed that last night. You let out an elated sigh. You kiss the tips of your two fingers and hover it above his lips, not wanting to wake him up to your touch. Even though you're unsure of what you and him are going to evolve into, this is comfortable.

You freshen up, and move downstairs. Everyone is gathered around the table, the kids running around the couch, Laura telling them how it wouldn't be good for them if she gets there. You look at the wall clock, it's eight twenty five.

"Good morning, y/n. Did you sleep well last night?" Laura greets you. You nod at her. You don't like talking just when you woke up.

"Sometimes it's better not to sleep at all." Clint eyes you as you sit beside him. You give him a confused look, and start having your breakfast.

Tony strolls down soon afterwards and sits next to you. Your heart is not normal when he's around, but you are good at covering it up.

"Where did you go last night?!" Bruce barks at his friend and Tony winces, "I slept on the floor. Alone. You didn't even tell me you were going upstairs."

"Good morning to you too, Bruce." Tony raises his eyebrows as he serves himself, his eyes down at the plate.

"Seriously? You're just gonna ignore what I said?" Bruce is getting mad, you can sense it in his voice.

"Chill it off, you two." Steve interferes and the science bros stare eachother down but not for long. Captain starts talking about the mission while everyone chews on their breakfast.

"...It's decided then. Bruce, Tony, you are going back to the lab, the rest of us will face Ultron in Seoul. And on your way, Tony, you're going to-"

"I'm going to pay Nexus a visit and find out who's the undercover ally. Got it." He says.

"I thought you were bad at making conversations until... last night." Clint teases. 'Shut your mouth up arrow guy!', You think and eye that smirking bastard, while your cheeks turn scarlet.

"Am I missing something?...what happened last night?" Nat says, "You'll tell me later, Barton. Anyways, Tony, I hope our assumption is right and you find them there."

"Yea I hope we get lucky enough to find them in Seoul." Clint says putting some bacon in his mouth.

The two of you glare at him with a hint of embarrassment on your face, and he bursts out laughing, already looking.

Steve looks at Clint, then follows his gaze to look at you and Tony. You meet his eyes and look down on your plate, "You know what? I don't even want to know."

"Good." Tony says, making a smile creep up in your face.


Approaching Seoul.

You are seated in the Quinjet and a look on the GPS in the cockpit tells you that Seoul is not even an hour away. The ride has been rather quiet, except Clint making some dad jokes to lighten the air. After meeting his family, it makes sense now. His dad jokes.

There's no surety that Ultron will be there. But he has to be somewhere and this is the best bet for now. It's not just a fight against him, but an affirmation that each one on the team is capable no matter the past they bear. This is their redemption.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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