27. Lavender Haze

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Y/n's POV

Right now

Tony gulps down the lump in his throat as he's been glared at by an offended assassin, "You can ask Clint, he asked us to get you,"

"I don't remember anything like this,"

"Shut up, Hawky," says a stressed Tony.

When all you could hear was the airconditioner humming, Nat smiles, allowing everyone to giggle, Tony and Steve chuckling nervously. She dried their blood for a moment, "okay okay, if that's how it is, it's my turn now." She took it upon herself.

"Who amongst the ones sitting here, is most likely to forget his car keys? A. Tony, B. Steve, C. Thor."

"I own no cars, we have Sleipnirs to commute,"


"They are similar to midguardian horses but with eight legs, quite sturdy they are," he answers you.


"So you're not it, it's either Tony or Steve." Clint says. Your gut says it's Tony.

"I shouldn't participate in this one," Steve looks at Natasha with a sly smile, and you suspect if it's him.

"I think it's Tony, " you place your bet.

"Five points to Y/n," Natasha claps and points at you with enthusiasm.

"You cannot derive that just cause I own cars, Cindy!" He revolts.

"That's not why I said that," You say, "it's because I know you're the most careless of all,"

"You know me so well, don't you sweetheart?" Tony gives you a cheeky smile.

"....Maybe I do." You smile at him. Holy fuckkk! Am I flirting back?! Quickly looking away for the embarassment you caused for yourself.

Tony's eyebrows furrow in surprise, with a prominent smile on his face.

"Whose turn is it?.... I don't care, I'm taking it," Tony sits up, "who likes to click selfie mid-battle and forces everyone to smile for it? A. Tho-"

"Clint." Steve says before Tony could give the options.

"Too soon, Cap. No points for you," Tony jokes making you chuckle and he glances at you.

"Really, Clint? When do you get the time?" You ask him.

"Aye, 'twas indeed him!" Thor chuckles, "In the midst of the New York battle, he did get upon the lofty building, capturing us all while the others engaged in combat, and Stark, he rain down his shots from the skies. 'It was vexing at the time, but now it stands as a cherished memory, I must admit."

"We have some hazy pictures together which he clicked during the mission," Natasha affirms,

They proceed to show you the pictures he clicked. After discussing and sharing bits about them. Clint puts his phone back when you're done.

"Does Fury knows about this?"

"If he did, cameras would be banned in the battle fields," he answers in his coarse voice.

"Don't worry Barton, I'll click your pictures for ya then," Tony taps his shoulder assuredly.

"Appreciate it,"

The game went on, and you learn that Steve watches Rom-Com movies when he's alone; Thor really likes the food around here, developing a wierd obsession with Poptarts. There were occasional story sharing and embarassing secrets revealing, which were cute in one way. It felt like you were appreciated here. But you don't know for how long might they tolerate it?

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