15. Fairy Godmother

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Y/n's POV

When you are fifteen.

It's the first time, your boyfriend took you to his place. Your parents are going to kill you if they got to know you have a boyfriend, let alone you're at his place. But he insisted. And can you break your first boyfriend's heart?

You don't actually know what happens in a relationship, he asked you to keep it a secret, so you did. You don't know much about consent, or boundaries. You don't talk much to your parents since you're a teen. You think they are annoying and need to be a little 'open minded'. So even when they tried to talk, you just rush to your room and avoid the conversation.

He come back into the room with two beers, and kisses you on the lips. You are still getting used to that, you never liked it. Him doing things to you without asking first. But you never said anything, you didn't want to disappoint him, or make him angry.

Yes you are a people pleaser.

He offers you a beer, but you shake your head in a no, "I- I don't drink."

"Come on, Y/n, don't be such a bore." He pushes the bottle in your chest slightly, before you grab it with both your hands. It spills a little on your clothes.

You take a sip, it was terrible. But didn't say anything because well, it might disappoint him.

You kept going to his place for the next couple of months, and he kept going one step further everytime, ignoring your signs screaming uncomfortable 'NOs'. For your parents, it was a group study.

Sometimes you wonder if something's wrong in the relationship you're in. You could never talk to your friends about this. Because he told you not to, but also because, your 'friends' are mere aquintance.

But one day things got a little rough.


Y/n's POV

Right now.

You both reach the location where there was supposed to be a black market. You see a cassino blinging in front of you. You look down at your phone again, you're at the right location but it's not what you expected.

You glance at Tony, he's smiling brightly already looking at you. That smile. That enchanting curve. That curve had already made a place straight in your heart, on the very first night. It still warms the centre of your chest.

But you don't want to hurt yourself again. Last time you loved someone, they broke you into many pieces. You collected those pieces together, it was harder than you thought, and are now in your tallest tip toes, like a mirror ball. You don't want to be shattered again. So you just try not to trip over the curve on his face.

You can almost hear his thoughts behind those glittering brown eyes. Those loud, deep brown eyes, yet so silent. It reminds you of the soup your mother used to make for you, it was a lighter shade of the same color. It was comforting, it's been a long time you felt that. His eyes offer you the same comfort.

But you don't know what they would offer you after that. You are aware of his reputation. You don't want to be a new notch in someone's belt again.

"Oh no no no no no there must be some mistake." You recheck the location. There wasn't any.

"Looks like we are not capable of completing the mission without walking into a cassino, Cindy." Tony mocks you. "All we had to do was follow the sound of a slot machine."

STARK STRUCK (Tony Stark × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now