8. Table's set

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Tony gives you a pendrive with everything you asked for. You spend the next couple of day striking off names digitally with a red line, after verifying them one by one, as and when you got time. The very first name was Happy and you were relieved that the condition is not as bad as you thought.

Occasionally, Pepper called you to her office for a job or two. You kept reverting back to the mission as soon as you're done helping her. Tony didn't ask for help, but needed much. He was not doing okay without an assistant.

You munch on the snacks available in your kitchenette while you work in your bedroom on the holographic screens. Your favourite are blueberries.

Natasha was always suspicious, and was trying to get something out of you, but she was unable to make a conversation. You kept yourself busy enough to avoid her. You haven't got time to interact with other Avengers as well. All you want to do was complete the job as soon as possible and leave the place, and you got five more days until your deal expires.


It's the weekend, the office is closed, so you can concentrate all your attention on the mission. You are making the list of suspects to be verified in person, when you realise you're out of the snacks. You get up to look outside. The colours in the sky tells you that the sun has just set. You realise you've been in here for almost all day, in your oversized sweatshirt.

You collect your hair into a messy bun and rush downstairs into the kitchenette, to grab something to eat. You search for a bit. You can find every gorment ingredient you know and don't know, in the cabinets, but no blueberries, and you're too lazy to make something. So you decide to go to the common room to get some snacks.

After a brief moment of silence, the lift door opens into the common room. The lights were dim and you hear a movie playing on the TV. You peak through the lift to see the gang sitting on the sofa. You somehow recognise the film... Godfather?

You see that Tony is eating popcorn, while Steve is completely fixate in the story. Natasha seems like she's analyzing the plot. Bruce is covering his face with one hand, looking at the screen with an eye from between his fingers, and Clint is nodding off in the corner.

"This movie is so old, it's practically black and white." Tony commented stuffing a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"The Godfather is a classic, Tony. You should give it a chance." Steve argues, his eyes are glued to the screen.

"Yea, This is a masterpiece." Nat supports her friend.

Bruce says, "There are so many violent scenes, I don't want to ruin the movie for everyone by hulking out." Clint snores silently in the corner.

Seeing that they're busy in themselves, you move in the opposite direction to reach the kitchenette... You are searching for the blueberries in the cabinet when you get physically startle hearing Natasha's voice,

"I told ya you'll die if I find you snooping around." She was standing behind the counter looking at you, smiling. That smile looks so gentle and soft, but that's just deception to the eye.

"I'm pretty sure that's not what you said." You say and get back to searching.

"But that's exactly what I meant... So tell me about yourself?" Nat says and takes a seat on one of the stools.

STARK STRUCK (Tony Stark × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now