17. Wind, Water and Wine

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"He's in your garage?" You follow behind Tony, who just stepped out of the elevator into an underground floor. He nods at you,


"Haven't you considered the fact that keeping a hostage and a car together, may result in an escape?"

""Escape? Nah, not a chance. It's like Fort Knox down here, ya know. Cutting edge security systems, reinforced doors, and even an AI surveillance system. No one's breaking out of this place, Cindy! And here's....."

He guides you through his massive garage, giving you a detailed tour.

At the centre of the garage, on a raised platform, sat the suitcase guy, unconscious. You look at the poor man, it looks like he was thrashed. You couldn't see anything tieing him down, but a robot arm is holding a gun at him.

"Okay, Dummy, you can relax now. I'll take it from here." Tony instructs. The mechanic arm turns around as if looking where the voice came from, eventually pointing the gun in your direction, making you raise your hands in defence, "woah!"

"Don't worry, that's decorative,"

"What?" You blink at him, and your brain lists all the possibilities of how this could have gone wrong.

"Dummy was curious, so I gave him a job while I was away," he glances at you, and soon cringes at the scowling face.

"Really? How thoughtful of you to keep a gang member on a decorative gun point held by a robot," He really tests your patience sometimes.

You see the man Waking up from the so-called slumber. You walk upto him,

"Sleep well?"

He blinks at you, as if his brain is loading all the files after being rebooted. A few moments later, he tries to pull his hands off the arms of the chair. That's when you see a blue glowing energy field around it which has been holding him in place.

"I thought you worked for CIA,"

"I thought so too" you give Tony a look, who is now leaning back to a nearby table observing everything from afar, his palms resting on the edge of it on each side. You pull a wheeled stool, and place it in front of the hostage. Taking your seat you say,

"What was your name again?"

"Yuri, Yuri Petrov," he says.

"So tell me, Yuri, how long have you been working for them?"

"Working for who?" He tilts his head as if he has no idea about what you're talking about.

"Don't act dumb. We know you work for Blackhand."

He says nothing, instead he looks away.

"Did cat snatch your tongue or what?"

Before you could investigate him further, you phone rings. You pull it out of your pocket, as you turn around. Looking down at your phone, you bite the inner part of your lips.

"I've to take this," you tell Tony without looking up, you walk away from them towards Tony's suits.

"Why's your orb location turned off, y/l/n?" You hear the enquiring voice.

"Director Pierce. Yea. Oh Is it off? I'll look into it right away." You try to cover up. It's the same woman who planted you in Tony's tower.

"Stop playing moron, I know you're not where your mission wants you."

"I- I, that's the thing, Director. I verified every security guard, and I don't find any-" you fumble your way to explain yourself only to be cut off by her.

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