30. Gutsy Moves

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Y/n's POV

Right now

You look up at the elevator to see if it's Tony. Yea you don't want to ruin his life by jumping into a relationship with him when you yourself are not comfortable in your own body, but that doesn't mean all your feelings for him are deleted too.

"Good morning, y/n," a familiar voice walks upto you,

"Morning, Bruce," you smile at him. He's looking fresh and bathed. And you realise how badly you miss being under a shower.

"I hope you know you got an appointment today with Dr. Cho in an hour,"

"Fine I'll get ready," you sip the orange juice from the glass, "I'm still in the clothes I flew in, I feel so dirty, and I probably stink,"

"Not as bad as Tony. he doesn't bathe for three days when he's in his zone." You scrunch your nose out of disgust, "You can shower after your surgery," he said, "till then I'll ask Nat to get some clothes for you from the mall,"

"Fine, Bruce," you smile at him, "you're the boss here!"

You finish your juice and Bruce takes you to the Medical floor.

"Are you ready for it?" Helen asks with a compassionate smile when you're laying down. You nod,

"Mhm... Thank you for this Helen,"

She smiles, and presses something on her glass tablet in her hand.

The machine slowly sucks you in and you can see Helen with her assistant talking while pointing something at the holographic screens. You turn your head to look out the glass window, you can see Bruce and Nat discussing something and then your eyes meet Tony's, who is leaning against the wall watching everything very curiously. His one arm is crossed over his ribs while his other elbow rests on his snuffbox, as he seems to chew on his thumb. He smiles your way removing his thumb away from his face.

Tony's attention get deviated and he sees Nat standing right beside him, saying something to him. He sighs and takes out his wallet, followed by a black credit card from it, and hands it over to her. Nat leaves the premises. She must have gone to get your clothes.

"We are gonna give you some anesthesia," Dr. Cho says and you nod, "Tracey, drug her up!"

A nurse removes the machines from around you and puts a mask on your face. You breath the slightly medicated air, as the nurses around you prepare for the surgery,

"Don't worry you won't even know when it passed," Helen smiles down at you, as she puts on her gloves. Just as your eye sight goes blurry, you tilt your head towards the window again, but you see Tony walking closer to the window, his expression a serious one.


You wake up from the deep slumber, and find yourself under a new machine. Helen notices your fluttering lazy eyelids, "Hey be still we're almost done,"

You only blink, and look around to notice you're under a different machine, caving over you, and a pen like metal hand is doing something at the suture just below your ribs. You still couldn't feel anything, and it makes you anxious as the feeling is associated with the memories from the dungeon.

"What are you doing?" You silently ask slowly getting anxious,

"Don't worry, you're currently in the regeneration cradle, it's what we use to heal all wounds quickly, how do you feel?"

"I feel alright, I guess... But mostly nothing," you say.

"That must be the anesthesia wearing off," the cradle pen stops and she lifts the machanical cave.

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