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Camera flashing here and there to get the best news for their channel as all the elite in this field is here,in the party,drinking casually and talking to each other.The big chandeliers and undertone jazz music is what making the mood of the party.
President of 'The Kim's' doesn't keep any lack of the party for his son's birthday.He booked that party hall where the award show for actors-actresses'd happened last week.He is telling every one,who he is by not telling but showing actually.
Yoongi smirked at the show off of the cunning president.The black suit he is wearing is a gift and also an exclusive collection from the famous clothing brand.They are offering him for being the ambassador of their brand for a while now.Though he didn't except their offer yet,but they had sent him the gift as soon they heard about the party.He could see how everyone is gasping here and there that how he got that exclusive collection before it's release and chuckled.
Yeah,when it comes to show of in this field yoongi is no less than seoyoon..why won't he..The 'MIN CORPS' which is shining like the brightest star,he build that from literal scratch at an age when kids suppose to enjoy their teenage...
Anyway....Specially today he wants to look more presentable than ever.Don't get him wrong,he doesn't have any intereset to the kim's only hire who he literally considered as a 'SIlver Spoon Brat'.The moment he had gotten the news that the kim heir signed the contract,he'd imagined him as 'A Silver Spoon Brat who can do anything for business'

'Otherwise he will oppose the ridiculous condition...huh..what am I even expecting from seyoon's son,of course he is as cunning as his father if anything else he would be more' yoongi thought in his mind.
By the way he wanted to look presentable for the president of 'Lee Corps',number one in this field Lee Dongeon..
Yoongi has never spent as much time on someone as dongeon in his life.That old man seemed to know his intention and refused him everytime somehow,but now he couldn't cause yoongi is partnered with 'The Kim's' and old lee is a close friend and business partner of seoyoon..Though he hasn't arrived yet but soon he will..
Yoongi is Swirling his wine glass in one hand,taking a sip once in a while,his thin lips is forming in smirk once again..

"What a show off just for a birthday..huh."

He couldn't help but voiced out his thought.Hoseok cocked his head towards the young tycoon.He is standing right beside him with his lavishing LV suit,looking as clasic and stylish as all aways.

"It's not just a birthday,Mr.Min.
I think you do know about the big reveal,right?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes at hoseok's remark.Obviously he knew about the face reveal of the kim heir,but does it has to be this grand?All of the businesses tycoons are here,huddled together just to see a face,isn't it a bit too much?Yoongi get it that the kim heir is too much attention seeking,it didnot affect him that much,he didn't give a shit about him unless how easily that brat could get reach to him.He is Min Yoongi for God's sake.Getting a little galance of him is as difficult as getting tickets of bts's concert which is his favourite musical band by the way.IT is irritating him even more that just because the person is kim's heir,he can get to yoongi.Don't get him wrong again,he doesn't have any problem to teach someone but that someone has to be choosen by yoongi himself.He can't get behind the fact that a person he never saw before has the power to literally forced yoongi to accept him just because he is the son of someone powerful.He is pissed would be an understatement he hates Kim Namjoon.


Namjoon is sitting inside the car from the past 20 minutes.A long coat is hiding his outfit for today.Two minutes ago seokjin had massaged him to ask if he is ready cause he couldn't delay any further.He is nervous..nervous and afraid and wanted to ran into his room and hide under his blanket.His left leg is bouncing rapidly and his right thumbnail is in between his teeth.
Even driver Han could feel the nervousness from his seat.He looked at the mirror and decided to give the dying male some courage.He took out the little box from his pocket and extended it towards namjoon.

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