Conditions Or Confession

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"I didn't expect myself to be this special that the CEO himself will be standing infront of 'The KIM'S' entrance for me."

Yoongi said to Seokjin teasingly with a sly smile on his cold looking handsome face.

" HA HA HA".

Laughing loudly on yoongi's sly remark Seokjin stretched his hand forward to shake with yoongi's.

"Well 'THE KIM'S' are always well aware at the value of their guests and when it comes to the CEO of 'MIN CORPS' himself,they have to send their the best man,you don't know but you are special,Mr.Min"..

'Same old seokjin' yoongi thought with a small smile and shake hands with seokjin.Seokjin than looked at hoseok,nodded his head as a 'hello' and hoseok replied it with a little bow..
With a big smile on his handsome face Seokjin gestured them with his hand to follow him.

"This way.
Let's go".

The meeting room is as ravishing as expected a meeting room of 'THE KIM'S' should be.It's desplyaing nothing more than class and elegance just like the CEO himself.
Yoongi and Seokjin are sitting face to face on the both side of the long table and Hoseok is sitting beside yoongi.At first he was refusing to sit beside his boss as he came here as a secretary but with yoongi's stubbornness and seokjin's request he had no choice but to sit there.Infront of them at the big chair is sitting a man in his mid fifties,wearing a black suit,gray hair combed to the back neatly,a thin framed rectangular glass on his eyes...

[...This is Kim Seoyoon...
57 years old..
The President of 'THE KIM'S'..
Father of namjoon..
Uncle of seokjin and taehyung..]

Smiling a little towards the three,he clasped his both hands together on the table.

Let's proceed"..

Actually there is nothing to proceed.They talked about the whole deal,the pros,the cons and every single other details almost a week ago.Now they just need to sign the contract paper to seal it but the sudden call for a meeting from 'CEO MIN' is the reason they are sitting here at the meeting room...
Straighting his posture Yoongi looked at 'President KIM'.

"I really didn't think you were serious about your condition for this deal that time.
Are you sure you want to sign the deal in this condition,President KIM?"..

He asked with a straight face.

"In my whole life the decisions I have made related to business..

Seoyoon took a pause and looked directly at yoongi.

"I have always made them seriously and this deal is nothing different"...

He replied with a straight face too.His hands are still on the table,clasping together firmly..
All this time Seokjin is sitting there and observing every behaviour of yoongi.
The moment he get the call that 'MIN CORPS' wants to held an urgent meeting,he knew yoongi is upto something.He just want him to shoot it out.He can't take this heavy tension going on his head anymore...
Nodding his head up and down at the reply of the President,yoongi smiled a little.It is like that sly smile what seokjin saw when he was approaching him on the entrance earlier.

"Than I also added a little condition on this deal.
Please have a look"..

And he gestured hoseok to pass the two copies of file to both of them.
Hoseok stood up from his seat with the copies and placed one file infront of seoyoon and another infront of seokjin.
The clicking sound of his shoe is somehow telling about the calmness of the room and the heaviness of the air as well.
Both Seokjin's and President KIM's eyebrows are furrowing with every flip of page.
After they finished reading both of them looked at yoongi with different expression..
Seokjin's expression is annoyed with a mix of anger as if he is going to snap at him and Yoongi expected exactly that kind of expression,but from both of them.
He couldnot get President KIM's expression.His face has a rather calming look as if he is going to pick up the pen and sign the deal..
Before anyone could say anything Seokjin slammed his hand on the table,a rather too forcefully than yoongi's liking and snapped at him..

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