"Poker Min"

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At 1.45 of night this street of offside seoul turned absolutely uninhibited as gigantic tress lining both side of the road started to envelope the whole path in darkness with the sunset.At this time it altered in complete eclipse.So black so that detecting anything even in two feet distance is impossible.

Without the dim light hanging on the lamposet no one would dare to tell the whistle that is coming from it,blending with the gut wrenching lament of owls was actually streamed from a tall figure's lips.A cap masked his face from revealing it under the light but the emanate puff of smoke flowed with no restriction.His whole body covered with black clothing which helped him to be a part of this obscurity.

He threw the cancer stick in the concrete and crushed the burning tip with his black boot to strided towards the two headlights that has stopped at the opposite side of the path and knock on the glass window twice with his knuckles.

Even inside the vehicle almost replicated the outside wapin.The person on the driver's seat is covered from head to toe as he extended his glove covered hand for the outside person to place the envelope on his palm.He observed every photo like a hawk.

"These are good but we need something solid".

He placed another envelop on the male's palm which has just entered through the window.The men took it to recoil his hand with a nodd.

"I will try with everything I have.
And boss,could we meet at another place next time.I almost died at hypothermia a minute ago".

The person imside the car rolled his eyes,the only visible thing in his whole body.

"Isn't it better to fight hypothermia rather than gettin hit by a bullet,J".

With an audible scoff 'J' put his two fingers on his forhead to threw a salute at his boss and turned around,striding forward to blend with the murk once again.The person started his car,proximity increased with the faded sound of whistle.


Seven days..It only took seven days for yoongi to untie every knot of scorn he had tied with enormity from the last three weeks for Kim Namjoon.The consolidated image he had created in his interval of the said male,has shattered like a keeking glass when his notion 'Kim namjoon is so lovable to everyone because of his kim heritability' has disproved humorously by himself.He could understand now why the concern for the said male never waver from hoseok's eyes after everything when every night he himself couldn't close his eyes not assuring that the male is okay.He could see why seokjin had accused him for not taking care of his brother when he observed in the past days how the said male could trip to his own foot and fell on the ground if yoongi was not there to catch him.He could see why taehyung was so opposed of this deal when he caught sight of the male talking to his bonsai,playing with a frog,forgive him so easily after everything,innocence it is.
Now he knew why seokjin,taehyung,hoseok could do anything to protect the said male when he himself is on that list now.

The pen fell from his fingers to land on the tile floor as a knock resonated the room to pull down yoongi from his memory ride.He didn't notice his increased heartbeat untill it buzzed in his eardrum like a bugle.He straighten his posture before picking the pen.

"Come in".

Hoseok stopped his footsteps infront of the black marble table.

" Good morning,Mr.Min.
Here is your--"

Yoongi's change of expression  reflected on the marble table when hoseok's voice echoed the room.He had expected someone else to see as the first thing in the morning.His gaze shifted from the file to his timekeeper.
'Oh it's not eight yet'.
But did his heart ever be at one with his mind when it comes to the crater cheeks brunette.

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