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The feline pair of eyes flicked from side to side as his intellectual concept printed deranged on the big screen with every amock click of finger on the white letter stamped black keys.Eyebrows furrowed once again when his finger made contact with the arrow key to press it more furiously,he made the same mistake again.The puppy jolted up from it’s position when a thump echoed the study room.


Yoongi's head snapped at the little creature who's black round eyes ogled at him.Running his fingers to the black locks,he pushed himself up from the chair with a sigh.He crouched down and caressed his palm at the neck of snow as it mewled to his touch.Expressing it's sorrow for his owner's absence.Yoongi's gaze shift at his wrist once again.8.30 pm.
He stood up to move near the mahagony desk and picked up his phone to unlock it.His eyes stared at the contact that already shown on the screen.

'Puppy boy'

Just as the pin of his watch ticked past 8 his heart stopped listening to his mind.He took his phone,unlock it,brought the contact name,when is he would press the dial button his thumb stopped,hovered over the icon.After some seconds his thumb moved at the side to press the side button to close the device.

He was doing this from the last half an hour.Can you believe it?
This time though,this time his thumb didn't move to the side but tap on the call button and put the device on his ears  after taking a deep breath he tap the dial button and put the device on his ears.
'I am not overreacting.It is going to be nine soon he should be home by now.'

His gaze shifted down to snow who moved down from the couch,now pawing at his flipflop.Of course he is doing it for the puppy who is so in anguish for being away from his master.


Line formed in his forehead when the call went on voice mail.He dailed once again,twice,thrice and everytime his expectation to hear the smooth voice replaced by the effeminate tone.The puppy followed him when he slumped on the couch with an annoyed sigh.

"Why don't your papa charged his phone properly,snow-ah?"

He chuckled feeling a lick for a reply as if the puppy could sense yoongi's torment too.The room went quite once again but not his mind.It stayed promiscuous.
'Last time his phone was unrechable when he--'


He grabbed his phone from his side while sitting straight.Egnoring the startled puppy he unlock it to tap on the familiar contact.


Hoseok's tuckson stop infront of the gigantic kim's building that stood tall and shined fighting the obscurity of night.He shifted his eyes at his boyfriend who was already staring at him.

"Go or else--"

Seokjin captured hoseok's  lips,deep,making him still in his seat.After a minute or two when he detached himself,a chuckled echoed the car at his boyfriend's state.

"I must be late so you have to go back alone,ok?"

When seokjin went out from the car after getting a nodd towards,hoseok looked down at his lap with a shy smile planted on his lips.Five years of their relationship and that man still have the ability to made him all flustered with his action.
He gripped the staring wheel with a chuckle then his eyes fell on the side mirror.At the black suv van.

'Is it that car--'
He place his hand on the door to push it open but jumped back as his phone started ringing loud,almost making his heart to flew away from his ribcage.

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