Trust me,will you?

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Three weeks later

This new phase of his life is kind of...hectic to him but not in a bad way,he is not unlinking this hecticness.
This new world he has entered is different,difficult as taehyung had said but the people around him are not that scary,not at all.He is learning new things everyday.That's why even it is tough,he is liking this new phase,at least till now.
But there is this one thing he is not likinig that much...Like you know even if you are in lots of good thing but one bad thing could ruin your mood.
No matter how much good happened to namjoon in a day but that one thing just ruined everything for him,heck he even cried at night for that.
And that is 'The Min Yoongi'.

Twenty days have passed but that man is remained just like that Min Yoongi who namjoon had met at the night of his birthday,if anything he is more cruel to him now.
Namjoon caught on to that fact in the very first day when he'd entered 'Min Corps'.He'd witnessed it with his own bare eyes how yoongi called a meeting just to remind his employees, not to treat namjoon like someone special.He had never felt that much embarrassed in his life before that day.Yoongi literally announced his dispise towards him infront of the whole office.The memory of that day has never left his mind,like a childhood nightmare.

"Let me cut it straight..
You don't have to treat the new person like a prince,just because he is the heir of some big company.
He would be a silver spoon in his house but here he is just an ordinary employee".

Like what!!..Namjoon fathomed it that he shouldn't be treated indifferently just because his position but did yoongi really need to voice it out like that and the objective he used,it took namjoon the whole day to meet anyone's eye in the office.To his luck,the people in the company are not bothered at that anymore.They really took care of him despite their boss's clear announcement of hatred towards him,well there are exceptions everywhere..He isn't complaining about it though.

After that day till now yoongi has made it his life moto for namjoon to know that,yoongi doesn't like him at all,that he didn't want the kim heir anywhere near him.
Though namjoon is still figuring it out that what he had done to be in yoongi's bad people list.It's not like the man is cruel to everyone.No..In the contrary,he is actually very kind to some people.Namjoon had seen it how he treated Mrs. Lee,their housekeeper like her own mother.He seemed to have the utmost respect for that sweet lady.Well she is a lovely women,even namjoon fell in love with her within a few days.And how he never got upset at hoseok,not even when he get scolded by the said male. Instead namjoon had witnessed the grumpy man to smile at hoseok's antics.But then again who can resist namjoon's hobi hyung,the literal ball of sunshine.If one day yoongi would behave badly with hoseok,he will start a war with Min corp's ceo.

Sometimes namjoon thought if he hasn't any attribute that yoongi can be a little kind to him.
Everytime namjoon met his eyes,he could practically read the hatred.With yoongi's cantankerous behaviour,it is pretty clear to namjoon that the said male is bothered even for his existence.In the house it is much worse,like he didn't acknowledge namjoon's existence.He never talked to namjoon outside thier office and if he would tried to start a conversation in a hope that he could know the man a little more,yoongi directly cut it off saying something so implacable that namjoon didn't have the heart to continue his exertion.He even cried at night sometime to let it out.After all in his twenty seven years of life no one treated him this cruelly instead he is pampered by his two brothers all his life,so sometimes he just couldn't help but weep to let it out.


Namjoon's chin slipped from his palm as the hefty voice of the cashier hit his mind through his eardrums like a catapult,knocking him out from his current life analysis.He hastly stood up,pulled the face mask downwards his chin with his thumb to keep it in place and strode twards the counter.Taking the package of two cups he flipped his wrist to assure himself that he has enough time to reach the min corps.

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