Crystalline,is it?

244 22 4

The day of symposium-

The man with the black mask averted his eyes from the target as his grip on the steering wheel got tighten automatically.He turned his head to his side at his yokemate who is busy in dragging the last bit of somke from a cigarette.

"Are you sure your method will work?
I am pretty sure that boy didn't know much about seoul".

His partner flicked the cancer stick out between his finger through the slightly opened window and leveled his face with the mirror,combing his hair by his finger to look presentable for keeping afield suspicions.
Opening the car pocket he pulled out the piece of paper,holding it in the middle of his two fingers,which will help him to fulfil his boss's order.He hung it on the air infront of the other man,in the driver's sit.

"I am not spying on him for the last three weeks for nothing,if he knows the best about any place in seoul,that would be this.
So keep your mouth shut and do as told".

After throwing a glare at the male,he opened the side of his door,motive-the male who is busy googling the city beauty.


Hoseok and his team has settled on the meeting room to revise on some critical matters related to the project so that they didn’t do any mistake and waiting for namjoon's arrival as well..Hoseok looked at his watch which showed nine and the meeting will start at ten but last night he had told everyone on his team to arrive early for this revisionary meeting which was suggested by namjoon.So hoseok had expected to witness a dimple smile as the first thing when he arrived at Min Corps' this morning, as the male was so excited about the project but he found no trace of the said male.Frowning a little he stood up from his chair and looked at his team member..

"Revise those terms attentively..
I will be right back"..

And went out with his phone in his hand dialing the said male's number.
'What is this churning feeling in my guts'.
Deepening his frown he marched forward,he need a breather and a coffee.


Not the buzzing conveyance,nor the billowing city crowd of people has succeeded to deflate the crescent smile of the raven hair male who is settled on his gracefully baby blue roadster.One black derby claded feet on the right paddle,the other one is tapping rhythmically on the concrete street in a slow motion as he wavered his eyeballs around his outskirts with a blinding thriving grin hidden behind black facemask,a baby blue helmet secured his head.The male is radiating an enormous amount of positive energy.He caressed his dress brown shirt with his palm,tucked securely inside the black slacks which he had selected this morning after forty minutes of mind battle.He didn't even notice the stares that coming on his way,oblivious about his handsomely cute appearance,some people even cooed at that.Normally he didn't care about maintaining a formal getup as 'Min Corps' isn’t really bothered that much about formal appearance but today namjoon wanted to look formally top notch.He wanted to show Ceo Min that he is suitable for the project as well as the business world.

Two days prior when hoseok had approached him at the restroom and namjoon tried to pull a big man facade to assure him that he is okay but when hoseok had shown him the official list of team member for the project,he had stared stunned at it,at the initials,initials of his name to be exact.Forgetting about the earlier facade he jumped on hoseok and let his happiness had flown through his eyes as his feline eyed ceo finally gave him a chance.Though it was a bit embarrassing when Lee Felix,a subordinate from the project,had to let out an exasperated cough to separate them but when the memory of that day managed to bubbled up a hope in namjoon's heart everytime it flashed in his mind,he would never mind the embarrassment.
He looked inside his satchel bag to ensure the blue project file is secured with him that hoseok had given him last night,'The project file of 'Junghe Group'.He couldn’t help but to feel a little giddy in the guts.It’s his first time of doing something like that okay,don't question his excitement.His eyes fell on the baby at the trolly who was smiling at him,a women has stood beside it,may be his mother but his smile replaced with a confuse frown when the baby suddenly started crying.He looked at the traffic light which is still red so he started to climb down from his cycle, wanted to approach the toddler but stopped at the presence near him.A man cladded in black cotton shirt,black jeans,black shoes,stood at his side,almost towering over him.

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