"I love you"

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"Beacuse he is not min yoongi."

'What?' Namjoon blinked,fist unfurled above yoongi's chest as his brows came together.Yes,beakhyun had proposed him if he could help him with a short story but did he need sanction of min corps' for that? And it is not like he had agreed to it.Well he didn't get that chance as his ceo'd abducted him from there.Then again how the hell does yoongi knew about it?

"H-Hyung do I--"

"Because he is taller than you."

Yoongi placed his palm on the wooden plank,caging the dimple brunette into him and the mirror,inching a tiny bit closer.Namjoon's eyes stretched farther as he tried to press his head on the mirror.He couldn't control the heat to flush his face when his thighs tickled as yoongi advanced.

"Because he couldn't teach you business,because he is not the ceo of min corps."

Namjoon's eyes followed yoongi's frantically moving pupil.He is not drunk for sure,than why he is looking so inebriate.

"Hy-Hyung lis--"

Yoongi didn't heard anything.His eardrums,nostril,brain got embezzled by lavender.His gaze settled on those glistening hazel and he just wanted to kiss them.It trailed down at the coloured cheeks and he wanted to kiss them too.His eyes softened when it landed on the button like nose but once it locked on those pink pair of flesh,he wanted to..he quickly flicked his eyes lower and but they caught sight of the revealed chest,flushing red. 'God help me!'

Putting a leash on his phrenetic mind he conjoined his eyelids and slumped his forehead on namjoon's shoulder.The said male's palm slipped from his chest with a gasp.

"Because I like you,joon-ah."

Namjoon's mouth expanded as he stilled on his place.His breath fling out of his nose when yoongi's cold skin merged with his bare collarbone,his sunshine hyung's courtesy.Yoongi's whisper went past his eardrums to thump right on his chest. 'It is hallucination.'

"I know I am late.I know you are already giving that guy a chance.But..But what do I do?"

Yoongi's voice sounded so desperate yet so forlorn that namjoon felt his heart thawed.

"I know too."

He felt the male stiffened on his shoulder but didn't raise his head.

"I know he is not min yoongi."

The feline man shot his head up to meet the blinking hazel.


Namjoon suppressed the giggle seeing the confused face of yoongi.It felt funny to him that his boss'd managed to misunderstood the interaction between him and baekhyun.

"I know he is taller than me."

That did nothing but to deepen yoongi's frown as the male oggled at namjoon.

"I-I know he couldn't teach me business.I know he is not the ceo of min corps b-because.."

Yoongi's forehead smoothened as his eyes turned wide.He leaned exceedingly.


Namjoon gulped as his throat went dry.Everytime he tried to breath,the adrenaline made his chest to heave and he could practically feel yoongi's escalating heartbeat united with his.He couldn't retain the eye contact so he averted his eyes down.He felt his eardrums got stuffed by the sound of their chest.His vision blurred as he inhaled a sharp breath.

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