Is it too late to be sorry?

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Junkook retained his one arm at namjoon's waist but put the other on the back of his knees,hoisted him up in a swift move and placed him on the bed,earning a squeak in the process. He stated himself beside the confused male.

"You are not having a concussion,are you?".

Few hours ago-

Jungkook has to stop his hurridely drivig vehicle as every other conveyance around him had stopped.He peeked out from his car window to witnessed the traffice light went red but jerked away when his ringtone boomed through the little space,for the twelveth time this morning.He filled his lungs with air,preparing himself for the blow and tap on the green icon.


He grimaced away from the device as he embraced the outburst of his manager,Lee Yunhyun,with an opened heart.

"I will be right there in exact ten minutes,yun hyung"..

Without giving his manager a second chance to shout he cut the call to start the engine only to be froze in his place when a bicycle came from the opposite side and collided with his car.He jumped out from the vehicle to check on if the person was okay.

Present time-

So far as jungkook told namjoon the reason of his residing in his bedroom,whereuntill everything has gotten clear in namjoon's mind.This morning before he could move further to help the man with the address,the traffic light had gone green and from the corner of his eyes he could saw the women who was standig earlier with the toddler left the trolley absentmindedly as she typed on her phone.His eyes went wide when he realized it is sliding forward itself towards the car across the other side.The man beside him flew out of his mind when he paddled as fast as he could to stop the trolley but as nearer as he went towards it,he grasped it was too late to be grabed.So he did the first thing had come to his mind.He went between the car and the trolley to take the crash.
When he lost the balance he coulsn't about anything due to the buzzing sound in his head and blurry vision and getting floated by,then everything went black..

Namjoon leaned on the headrest again but this time with a reliefed sigh as he closed his eyes.

"You saved me again"..

Jungkook's eyebrows are coming together as his expression has changed into something sullen.This morning when he had found namjoon lying on the road,his heart had dropped into his stomach.He tried to wake the male but when he didn't get a response,he took him to the hospital and brought him to his house as he had no idea about namjoon's residence.

"This time I am the reason for your suffering though"..

Knitting his brows namjoon opened his eyes.

"I am the one who had bumped into you,your car wasn't even moving,jungkook.

Jungkook averted his eyes towards the clock,a little bit hesitant for his next words.

"It's already 7 in the evening,
I was thinking if you could stay to have a dinner"..

As if someone descended namjoon somewhere else,his hearing got intercepted.He didn't hear anything passed 7 in the evening.

'7 in the evening..7 pm..'

"Namjoon hyung?"

'The meeting was at..The project file..'

"Namjoon hyungg?"..

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