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Jaehawan kept his eyes sealed, even though he is conscious enough of his position and well aware of the fact that someone has kidnapped him.
His years twitched at the chirping sounds.


His brows furrowed a bit, his eyes still closed, but his irish moved beneath the eyelids.

'Am I in a jungle or something?'

His palm slid over the surface he was lying on.

'Mattress-softer than my own bed!'

Before emerging in the black dots last night, or god knows how long has passed before getting back his senses,he was sure he would find himself chained across a rock-solid basement.

Realizing the contradiction,the teenage boy flicked his eyes open, and instead of narrowing them to adjust to the light, his sight got extended. This room is way better than a mossy basement; heck,it is better than his own room. His head snapped to his right as a click sound hit his eardrums.

'A restroom-and someone is coming out-his kidnapper!'

He jumped out of bed and stumbled towards the bedroom door. Wrapping his fingers around the knob, he gave it a twist, only to find out it was locked.

'You stupid,idiot!'

His gaze shifted at the reflection of sunlight over the couch. He frantically tried to turn around for the window but bumped himself with something hard, and his back slammed on the door with an 'ugh'.

"What the hell are you doing, kid?"

Jaehawan's heartbeat escalated when his wide eyes locked with a pair of pimping black orbs. It's the same man who asked him about his address before chloroforming him. His kidnapper.


Namjoon blinked at his reflection in the full-length mirror and switched his sight to the phone screen placed on the little wooden shelf,nearly getting blinded by the sunshine smile.

"Hobi hyung,I think it's a bit too much. Let me just-"

Namjoon killed his whining by jutting out his bottom lip as soon as he witnessed Hoseok's crinkling eyes extend to a wide glare on the phone screen. Then his hyung's voice boomed through the bedroom.

"Namjoon-ah,it's your first date!
I want you to snatch the breath of the CEO of Min Corps'."

Hoseok saw his donsaeng's gaze flicked once at the side,obviously eyeing the pair of beige jeans and jumper, and settled his hazel orbs back at the camera again. But before the younger man could start,he cut him off.

"Don't even start.
Your face is enough for the amount of cuteness you need today. Now go, it is almost 7!"

Sighing, Namjoon cut off the call. After getting a last glimpse of his reflection,he went past the bedroom door.


-"Ok. I will check it tomorrow."

After tapping the red button, Yoongi fished his phone inside his black slacks. An hour ago, both he and Namjoon had returned home to get ready for their date.


He couldn't bit the smile that infiltrated through his heart and settled on his lips whenever the thought of taking Namjoon on a date called up his mind. His chest swelled at the feeling that he could finally call the tall,clumsy brunette his.

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