Won't you stay?

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9.45 pm;
Somewhere in seoul city-

A sculpture of a women leaning forward with her arms stretched back,the famous emblame 'Spirit of Ecstasy',clefted through the ponderous rainfall,almost looked like it was pulling the shining black rolls royce pantham with it’s wauble energy when it stopped infront of the abandoned building,furtive because of it's almost decrepitude.

The back door of the car opened,exposing a figure claded in black long coat.Before the rain could hit his face like the sculpture on his car's bonnet,an umbrella appeared infront of him,covering the person's face.The figure gave a light shrug to his coat as his plain toe started marching forward,a big buff male striding behind him with a rather big umbrella covering his whole frame.


The smiting sound echoed through the basement as hit after hit landed on a man's face who layed limp on the floor.It didn't look like he couldn't defend though,it's more like he wasn't defending.Apiece hit more bolstering than previous one as he took it willingly.When someone knocked at the threshold,the beater's head snapped there which made his movement stopped straightaway.The earlier buff man came from behind, to stood infront of him,shielding his boss.

"What is going on here".

The man who was hovering over the heard-hit one,dusted his own hands by rubbing them together and stepped aside to reveal a face one didn't want to witness in their darkest nightmare.His left eye was bloated with a cut below the eyebrow,nose turned purple which looked dislocated,left side of his lip's was busted too,blood was trailing from everywhere.In short the whole left side of his face has destroyed horribly.

"My hands were itching and he was willing to take the blow".

A black matel lath with golden wolf sat on top of it's head which has moulded between his fingers stopped it's clicking sound right infront of the injured one.The cursived initials 'KS' craved on it shined at the reflection.
The limp male on the floor had somehow managed to stand on his  knees,now kneeled infront of the boss,head down,voice almost inaudible but strangely firm.

"Kill me master,I don't deserve your mercy"..

The master's face frowned as he caressed the male's head with his hand.

"Oh! jaehyun,You don't have to die for that".

Jaehyun's head snapped up as he set his gaze at his master's with one fully opened eyes,the other one was barely opened.The flowing blood from the corner of his eyebrows met with the nose's and mouth's,trailed towards his temple.Anyone could tell how much pain he is at right now but when his master read his eyes he couldn’t traced any anguish on them,they just held some kind of determination.

"Either I will die or nabbed that kim namjoon to you".

Coughing out blood he stood on his foot while his master assented his pact with a chin dip.Swaying from foot to foot he made his way outside the deteriorative residence.

The driver inside the drenched suv jolted up when jaehyun,his workmate and big brother as well,nearly collapsed on the passanger.His eyes turned into saucers when they landed on the male's full form.

"Hy-Hyung!! Oh my god!!
Y-you.. You are bleeding".

Jaehyun lulled his tottering head at his brother with closed eyes.He didn't need to look at him to sense the fear as he tried to sigh,coughed a little blood at the process.

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