Penance? no Kindness?may be Amour?

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The sound proof wall succeeded to prevent the cognent sound of thunder from barging in but failed to chasten the lightning from peeping in as it exhibited a copper and grey parellel featured traverse and a confine eyed restless yoongi who turned his other side once again.An annoyed sigh escaped his lips when the thunder flash reflected on the platinum matel of his oyster day-date 4o timepiece coerced him to free his confined eyesight as it fell on the extravagant rolex's display...1 am.
He loured in realization that his one and half hour of twisting and turning to get some sleep transit ineffectual.He ascended from the lying position only to lean at the low entresol pad's headboard,gaze set on the ceiling as he tried to recollect from where did it went wrong.

Everything was alright when he reached home with that stupid smile latched on his lips and a certain male's rosy dimples glint in his mind.He came to his bedroom,took a shower,changed into comfortable clothes,lie down on his bed,closed his eyes.Everything was perfect...till..till five minutes.

Exact five minutes after closing his eyes he felt a sudden coldness in his hand.Though he shrugged it away as his hands were cold in general but couldn't ignore it anymore as it ended in arrowy.
He tucked his hand inside the duvet but the coldness didn't lessen a bit which led him to aligned both of his palm for a rub but nothing happened,they remained bleak.The sensation made it difficult for him to lie down as he slammed both palm to his side to sit up.

'what the hell is this!'
He stared on the hands,eys narrowing as he tried to analysed the perception.His countenance diversified when somthing clicked his mind.This coldness is very the exact same when namjoon had collapsed in his arms.The coldness in his palm is the exact replica of namjoon's then cold frame.
'How is it stayed with my palm?Am I going insane?'
His aggravated heartbeat echoed through the room as if it came out from his chest.Line formed on his forehead when the intuition precised in his mind,a feeling he didn't perceive in years,a feeling very close to fear.
'but for what'

From then till now he is trying to calm down his heart.He placed his numb hand above his heart,still leaning at the headboard.The feeling closed to fear advanced in fear as he felt the palpitation against his palm.He didn't want to admit it at first but that didn't help him anyway.If it went on like this he would go crazy before sunrise.He bumped his head on the board as he failed to understand his own heart once again.

He had put namjoon on bed with his own hands before leaving the infirmary.The said male will be discharged after a few hours than why is he feeling like this..Like he would lost the ability to breath normally if he couldn't get a galance of namjoon right now.

He shrived this in not the first time he encountered feeling like this.The night when his father had admitted to the hospital before death,yoongi was this restless.But kim namjoon is not as dearest as his father to him.He knew the hated the boy for a month,it is not possible for him to feel like this.He thought.

Sighing the heavy breath through his nose,he ripped the duvet from his body to land his feet on the floor.He snatched the car keys from the bedside table before ransacking his phone in his sweats to onrush downstairs.

'Fuck it'
If a glimpse of the kim heir could placate the visceral disaster of his thorax,he willed to do it.


Two figures stopped ahead the elevator when the slightly taller men moved his head towards his brother who seemed glued in his spot.He nudged his donsaeng's hand which rounded his shoulder,a help to walk.

"Press the button,we don't have much time".

Jae hawan snapped his head at his brother,tried to blink away the fear in his eyes before nodding.

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