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It's time to get ready lily said . Coming kylie says . Lil mateo called me why didn't you told me kylie said . You were in your music world how could i ruin your vibe especially on lana del ray . What was he saying ? kylie asked . Uhh nothing he called by mistake lily said but suddenly the call recording started playing and kylie heard lily telling about her crush and mateo confessing . LILY AVERY WARNER  kylie shouted . I had to do it and i have no regret come on you guys are getting married and i know none of you will make the first move so i had to do it lily said . Lily it is a bit embarassing you know kylie said . But atleast we all know how you both feel , he loves you ky lily said while making kylie blush . Ok shut up now let's get ready kylie says while feeling shy . Kylie Rodrigeuz lily said while teasing kylie . SHUT UP kylie says while throwing a pillow at lily's face . Ok i am ready i think kylie says . ky you look beautiful and i have a supplementary dress if anything happens lily said . Sisterss shall we? cole said . Cole you look handsome kylie said . Oh i know coe saod while setting his hair . Group hug lily said . Nooooo kylie and cole said but lily hugged them anyways as they are always like this . I was waiting for kylie but this girl was talking to me and touching me again and again as no one knew that this our engagement party this girl who was talking to me looked familiar but i don't care i am just waiting my baby to come i am dying to see her and the wait was over i saw her she was looking like a goddess no wonder she wore black it is her colour well every colour is hers but black has some connection with her mateo thinking in his mind . Hey love mateo whispers in kylie's ear , kylie smiled as she knew it was him and said hey teo . Oh come on you still calling your husband that thing mateo says .  It is my love teo kylie said while showing puppy eyes . I know love mateo said while smiling . A girl approached them and it was none other than mini . Aren't you the girl from earlier who was talking with me mateo asked . Oh you remember me , Mr.Rodrigeuz i gve you a piece of advice girls like her are worst mini says while looking at kylie . I think i know what's best for me thank you mateo said . Why dont go play somewhere else kylie mini said . Well the last time i played all your guards died so i don't think i have toys anymore until unless it's you mini kylie said while smiling sarcastically . Mini dropprd her alcohol on kylie's dress . Oops, my bad mini said . It's ok i got another dress mini but i don't think you do kylie said while throwing wine on mini's dress . I'll be back kylie said while calling lily . I cannot believe she would do that she is a such a cunt lily said . Well what do you expect from ''MINI'' kylie said . Anyways i got this pretty dress for you lily said . 

Lil you're a lifesaver kylie said

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Lil you're a lifesaver kylie said . Oh come on anything for you cissy now let's join the party lily said . As they went downstairs mateo's father said Everyone i have invited you here to join my son's engagement to Kylie Warner everyone was shocked . Mateo and kylie exchanged rings . YOU'RE HALF MINE NOW mateo whispers in kylie's ear while making her blush . 

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