Missing Them

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Present Day:

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Abhay said looking at Sai for reassurance

"I don't know if there any other way we can make it work" Sai said

"Then fine let's do this but if it fails then consequences are..." before Abhay could complete Sai said

"Not that bad for you" she said looking at herself and laughed

"Now I see why he fell for you" "don't worry it's going to be alright and thank you for doing this" Abhay said

"You don't need to be thank you I am not doing it for free" they hugged each other and then Abhay left her room

Well whatever they have planned is going to be a total success or total failure. They have to do this because they haven't got any other option.

Saira's PoV

Team was leaving after the lunch, so we decided to have lunch together. I was going to Abhay's room when my heel broke and my ankle sprained and a scream left my mouth, I heard footsteps coming I looked around to see him

"Ira, tu Thik toh hai?" he asked I could see concern in his eyes but didn't for how long it was, wait did he call me Ira?

"I am totally fine" I lied and attempted to get up which was fail or success I don't know because I landed in his arms, which felt like home

"I am totally fine" he mimicked me, I tried to let go of his hold but which was again a failed attempt as he his grip on me tighten

"Can you just stop being stubborn for once?" He looked at me in disbelief

"I can walk on my own okay I don't need you help" and once again I tried to remove his grip

"You have sprained you ankle, can't you see it" Okay fine I lose

"I have spray and bandage in my room, you will be fine" he started walking towards his room when Abhay came out of his room and saw us, haha I am loving this.

"What is happening?" he asked obviously any fiancé would lol.

"I just sprained my ankle", I said and made a face.

"What? How? How can you be such an idiot while walking?", He said and picked me up.

Shub almost turned red. Jealously was in air.

"Come I'll take you to my room", he lifted me up.

"Let me know if you need any help or something", Shub said and dashed to his room.

His words and actions indicated two very different things. And we should be trusting actions more than words.

As soon as we reached his room, we burst out laughing

"Did you looked at him, his face was red like tomato" I said

"That's a sign" he said droped me in his bed and I groaned

"Careful man my ankle is still sprained" I said

"Wait seriously?" he said his tone automatically becoming serious, he examined my ankle and then put bandage on it.

"Btw did you fine anything about Meera whereabouts?" I asked

"Yup, she is in London working in some big ass hospital and living in with her boyfriend" he sighed and sat besides me

"How you know she is living with her boyfriend, like did you fine her social or anything?" I asked

"No she doesn't have any social, I actually asked one of our common friend" he said

"Then they must be having her number na? Why don't you call her?"

"I can't do that, she has moved on and anyways that girl wouldn't give me her number" he said

"Why so?" I asked curiously

"Because she isn't friend of our, she is actually one of the reason of our break up" he said resting his face on palms of his hands and he continued

"We were good friends until she started telling everyone that I am her boyfriend and she doesn't have her number, she actually works at the same hospital as Meera's"

"Meera is single" I said excitedly

"I just said she is living with her boyfriend"

"And you are gonna believe the girl who tried to break your relationship" I said stating the obvious

"What should I do now?" he asked still confused

"Why don't you go to London and check by yourself?" I asked

"That might be my only option now" he said

"Btw show me yours and Meera pictures" I said teasingly and he immediately unlocked his phone and opened on the folder named "US"

"Btw show me yours and Meera pictures" I said teasingly and he immediately unlocked his phone and opened on the folder named "US"

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"this is from a school trip actually our very first trip as a couple"

"and this is from our 12th farewell, she looked breathtaking in this" he said remembering her

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"and this is from our 12th farewell, she looked breathtaking in this" he said remembering her

"And this is from her 19th Birthday when I went to surprise her in London" he smiled and said "I miss her a lot"

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"And this is from her 19th Birthday when I went to surprise her in London" he smiled and said "I miss her a lot"

Hey guysssss

So what do you think about Abhishek & Meera ?

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