Chapter 1: My Party Takes a Wild Turn

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 Chapter One: My Party Takes a Wild Turn

I looked to my mother. I didn’t particularly like her, but I didn’t exactly hate her either. I had the same color hair as her. A soft, delicate, golden color. I also got my mother’s brains. We were very smart. I had skipped two grades between all of the schools I had been in, even with dyslexia. The only thing, besides our personalities, was our eyes and our beauty. Not to be vain or anything, but I was very pretty. I had been told by a lot of people, so it must be true. And to be honest, I liked being pretty. There is nothing wrong with that. My eyes were probably the most striking of my features. They were a pure, solid, golden color.

I was really good in all of my classes. I was best in gym though. The only thing I did better than gym was in history learning about ancient Greek and Roman myths. I had a couple of close friends, but I could care less about what happened to them. That’s how I felt about most of them. I didn’t really have time to make good friends with all of my studying. I had to study at least three times as much as everyone else. It was the only way I could get good grades with my dyslexia and ADHD.

I blamed my dad for all of my problems. I had never met him, but I presumed that it was all his fault. That everything was his fault. I hated my father for leaving me here, alone, with my mother. With just my mother. I was surprised that I hadn’t gone crazy yet. Or ran away. My mother was always telling me how one day my father would come back to take me away with him. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to leave. I wanted to leave really bad. But I didn’t know if I would let myself leave with the man who called himself my “father.”

I hated my school (this one was my fifth). My teachers always stared at me in a funny way. Like I was some evil monster that needed to be killed. I had gotten used to it, sort of. It was better than her last school. Everyone here thought I was crazy. I once saw this woman who had a forked tongue, and instead of legs she had two snake tails. I had pointed to it and told my friends, but all they saw was a regular woman. Other stuff like that happened - a lot. I was once on a field trip and saw a guy running from skeleton security guards. My friends thought I was absolutely out of my mind.

“Oh well,” I thought, “who needs them anyways?” I was still going to throw my big birthday party tonight. At least people in this school liked me. I had learned from my mistakes. I looked at my mom again.

“Will you be home tonight?” I asked her with false interest.

“I don’t think so.” my mother said, looking through a clock catalog. My mother collected strange things. Her favorite thing to collect, clocks. Anything that showed the time, was hers. It bugged the crap out of me.

“Good. I’m throwing a party tonight.” I said in the rudest tone I could muster.

“Excuse me? Why on earth would you be throwing a party? Is there some new holiday that I haven’t yet heard of?”

I sneered, “No. But it is my birthday. You know. The day I was born!”

“Is that really today? How old are you now, thirteen?”

“Mom,” I said the word with distaste - the only reason I called her mom was because the one time I called her by her real name she had slapped me, “I am fifteen. I am throwing a party. And you will not be home tonight. Understand that? Or should I use more simple words?” I asked her like I was talking to a child.

My mother glared at me. “I’m staying home tonight. You want to throw a party, throw on. But I’m staying here. Got it?”

“Why cant you ever just do one thing I ask? Even on my birthday?”

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