Chapter Nineteen: O, the Embarrassment
I took a nice long shower; dinner wasn’t for a little while anyways. I might as well look nice if I supposed to meet another god tonight. On my way to the showers, Chiron had told me to be in the dining hall and not to be late so that I could meet Dionysus. To be honest, I wasn’t looking forward to it. I had heard some… not too pleasant things about him. Although, I wasn’t all that surprised, I mean… he was the god of wine…
I turned the water off. When I stepped out, I was in for a little shock. My cloths were gone. I started to panic and looked around frantically. I threw a towel on over my body and stepped outside.
Drew was sitting there, with a smug little smile on her face. I wanted to go over and slap it off her face. But I forced myself to remain calm. “Drew.” I said calmly. “Where are my cloths?”
She giggled. It made me want to puke. Everything about her made me angry, even when I had just seen her walking around camp before. She just made me mad. “You cloths? What ever do you mean?” she asked too sweetly.
“I’m not playing around, Drew. I. Want. My. Cloths. Now.” I said threw slightly gritted teeth.
Her face hardened. “Don’t you go barking orders at me. I’ve been here longer than you, I have a lot more friends than you. Even some pretty powerful ones. And I doubt that some little excuse for a half-blood could stand a chance against them.” she scoffed.
I smiled. “What? Afraid to fight me yourself?” I asked. Her face pinched in hatred, but somehow she still managed to look pretty. “Oh, and believe me, I am a lot… stronger than you might think.” I said with a smirk.
The conch sounded for dinner. I looked around wildly. My cloths. “Drew….”
“I put your cloths in the dining hall.” Drew said as she was walking towards it. Then she turned, “Oh, and Zoe, I want you to go into the dinning hall and get them.” She said in a weird tone, and for some reason, I really, really, wanted to do it…
I froze. Great. To get to my cloths, I would half to walk into the dining hall. To get to the Big House to get more cloths, I would need to walk by the dinning hall. And surely someone would see my. That would be just perfect. I was screwed no matter what I did. Even if I waited here, people would come by and see me.
I could always go steal cloths. But my pride wouldn’t let me do that. I sat there for what felt like forever, but was probably only five or ten minutes. Just sitting here was going to get me anywhere. So I sighed and stood up. I wrapped the towel more tightly around me. And, before I could change my mind, I walked down towards the Dining hall.
I knew before I even got close that this was a horribly bad idea. There was no way that this could end good. Not in anyway. What would Nico do when he saw me? I though. I doubt he’d be thrilled… well maybe a little. But I would be in public, so he would probably kill me for doing this.
I took a deep breath, swallowed, and ran to the only table that I felt relatively welcomed. The Hermes table. As soon as I sat down, they all stopped talking and looked at me as though I was mad. I looked wildly around, to make sure no one had seen me, which no one had. I looked around the table. Travis was trying as hard as he could not to laugh. He elbowed Connor, who was sitting right next to him, who turned to look at me.
His mouth dropped. “Zoe… what… you… er… you…”
“Don’t have any cloths on, yeah. I know. And please, try not to be so loud. I’m not ready for everyone to see me in just a towel, thank you very much.” I said, still looking around, checking to see if anyone saw me. No one else yet…

You Can't Choose Your Family (On Hold)
FanfictionThis is a fan Fiction for Percy Jackson. This is the story of Zoe Hither. A pretty normal dislexic ADHD kid, although only her closest friend Julie knows that. Zoe has never had that many friends, she has switched schools too much for that. People...