Chapter 11: I Make a New Enemy... I Think

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Chapter Eleven: I make a new enemy… I think

(Connor’s POV)

I was waiting outside of the Big House. I saw Nico go in there a little while back, and then a little while later I saw Zoe go in. I had to try to see what was going on. When I got there though, Chiron told me I had to wait outside for a little while. I waited patiently, trying to be polite for a change.

I had been sitting there for maybe fifteen minutes when I started to hear the screams. I took it as nothing at first. I thought that maybe it was just me hearing things. But then I heard it again. I ran to the door. When I tried to open it, it wouldn’t budge. Chiron must have thought that I would try and break in. I almost smiled to myself, he knew me so well.

I remembered the scream and pulled a bobby pin out of my pocket. I had stolen it from Katy Gardener. I couldn’t stand her. She just doesn’t like me. It was hard to get the door unlocked, but I eventually did. I ran straight upstairs. It had sounded like it came from the attic.

When I busted through the door what I saw honestly shocked me. It was Nico holding Zoe in his arms. Zoe! I then heard him speak. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” I wanted to puke. He and Zoe smiled at each other for a few moments. Then I fully walked through the door. I was still a little out of breath from running up the stairs so fast.

“Sorry. I heard screaming, and I thought someone was in trouble. I can clearly see not.” I said coldly eyeing Nico. Zoe saw my expression and looked between her and Nico. When she realized what I was seeing, she pushed him away.

She quickly made an excuse. “Connor. Hi. That… thing over there grabbed me and wouldn’t let go.” She said pointing behind her at Nico.

I raised my eyebrows. If Nico was the problem I could easily take care of him. “You mean Nico? It didn’t seem like you were fighting him all that hard.” My voice was icier than before. I could tell it annoyed Zoe a little, but I quickly brushed that thought aside.

“No! Not Nico! That ugly thing over there.” Again she pointed behind her.

She was really starting to confuse me. She was still pointing at Nico. “You’re still pointing to Nico!” I said. I couldn’t really help what came out of my mouth next. Sometimes, I just speak what I say. “Though I don’t disagree.”

“Hey! Nico said. He looked like he was about to say more, but before he could Zoe spoke up. “Ugh! No! That old skeleton thing! God! Could you be more dense?” she yelled at me. The words hit me pretty hard, but I tried not to think about that.

I raised my eyebrows at her, though. I had never heard a more load of bull in my life. She had to be kidding, right? “It grabbed you and wouldn’t let go? Are you sure its not this necklace that got caught in you hair?” I asked removing the necklace that was still tangled in her hair. She looked at it and shuddered.

Nico came over then. “No. This was rapped in her hair. It was definitely holding her.” The way he had said holding her, it was like he was trying to provoke me. And it certainly did, especially when I saw him trying to hold back his smirk. I wanted more than anything to wipe the smirk right off of his face. But right then he through the thing in his hand at me. I bit back a squeal, that wouldn’t be very manly of me, now would it?

My eyes widened when I caught it. “How…?”

“I don’t know.” Nico stated evenly, cutting me off.

I ignored it though. I didn’t feel like staring a fight right now. “Well what do we do about it?”

Nico thought for a minute. Then shrugged. “Nothing. It shouldn’t really mean anything.”

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