Chapter 10: The Hand from Hell

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Chapter ten: The Hand from Hell



Later on, Chiron called Nico via Iris Message. It worked by throwing a golden drachma into mist and saying “Oh, goddess, please accept my offering.” Then that person would say who they wanted to contact. Iris, the goddess of rainbows, operated it all. It was actually quite interesting.

Chiron said he would be showing up by the end of the week. I had to admit that I was a little excited to meet him. Besides a Titan for a dad, I suppose that Hades was the next worse thing. So, we were a like in a few ways. Though, now here was a child out there that had a worse father than him.

I had heard a lot about this kid. He played a big part in the Titian War (which I had been thoroughly educated in recently), I guess. Lots of people around here are a little scared of him, but I don’t think he’ll be all that bad. Not after what Annabeth told me about him. He actually sounded kind of nice.

Truth be told about my quest, I was actually a little pleased that I was going, because camp for me was a little boring at the moment. Every day was just training. Chiron decided that I should try the walk climbing wall today. I haven’t seen it yet, but it’s a rock climbing wall. How hard can that be? I used to always climb those. This should be a piece of cake.

I was currently in my room reading. Or, trying to read. “Are you ready to go?” Connor asked from directly behind me. I jumped nearly a mile. I hadn’t seen him come in.

“Oh my god, Connor! You scared the living day-lights out of me!! I was actually getting somewhere with that book!”

“Why do you even bother to read? It’s almost impossible for us.” He said laying on my bed casually.

“No. Correction. It’s almost impossible for you. If you don’t try, you wont succeed.” I said getting up to put my book away.

He just shrugged. “Why read when all the good books are made into movies anyways?”

“Because reading is good training for your brain! And I thought all you guys were crazy about training. And with us going on a quest shouldn’t you be training, like, extra hard?”

He just shrugged again. “Most of them are. It’s okay. But it gets kinda boring after a while.”

I rolled my eyes. He was impossible. I shoved him and started to turn away when I heard him let out a weird little noise as he rolled off of my bed and onto the floor. I doubled over with laughter. “This is not funny!” He said getting off of the floor.

“Oh, it’s plenty funny for me.” I said walking towards the door. “Oh, and are you coming, or what?”

He grumbled and walked out in front of me. I followed him laughing. I saw some girl staring at me. The one from before. She ran up to me. “Hey!”

“Um… hello? How are you?” I asked her.

“Oh, I’m fine thanks. But I came over to ask you if you wanted me to get that fixed for you?” she said pointing to my necklace.

I touched it lightly with my hand. “I didn’t know that it was broken.” I said giving her a weird look.

“No, but would you like it maid into a more convenient item. Like a bracelet or a ring? Mine is a dice that I take out of my pocket. And press the one.”

“Oh. Thanks for the offer, but I don’t know.”

“Well, if it was a ring, you could just press a button and it would turn into a sword right into your hand.”

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