Chapter 7: If Things Weren't Bad Before, They Definitely Are Now

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After that I was in and out of consciousness. When I was awake, I was forced to drink something that tasted like the most delicious mashed potatoes ever, and at other times it tasted like the purest milk chocolate in the world. When I was fully awake I saw Chiron watching me.

“How are you feeling, my dear?” He asked quietly.

“Not too good. Um… did you guys tell the other campers?” I asked in the loudest voice I could muster, which in the end, was still very quiet.

“About?” Chiron asked me, his eyebrows turned up. He thought for a moment, then recognition filled in his eyes. “Oh. No. I made them swear by the River Styx not to tell anyone whoosh you permission first.”

“Well I guess there are a few upsides to this.” I said.

Chiron smiled. “it’s been a while since I’ve gotten a sibling.” he said. I didn’t really understand what he was saying. I finally gave up, “Sibling?”

“Yes. My father as well as Hera, Hestia, Demeter, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. There are a few others, but there is no need to mention them.” My jaw dropped. That meant that they, they were also my siblings.

“We shouldn’t tell anyone, should we?” I asked, not that I wanted to tell anyone. But I’m sure that if it got to certain people, well, things wouldn’t end too well.

“I think it would be best to keep it to ourselves for now.”

I thought for a moment thinking of the thing that I was being fed before. “What was that stuff you were feeding me, Chiron?”

He gave a little laugh, “Oh, it wasn’t me. I actually just came. I’ve had the other three watch over you for a while. But they were giving you nectar and ambrosia. They are the foods of the gods. Be careful while taking them though. Too much can kill you. I don’t think you should take anymore.”

I nodded, “How long have I been out?” Chiron hesitated. “Chiron, please just tell me.” I begged.

“Three day.” he said quietly. I nearly jumped out of the bed, but Chiron held me down. “You need to rest.” he told me firmly.

“I’ve been resting for three days! At least let me take a walk.” I begged him, and I was a person who did not like to beg.

He sighed. “Okay, but… be careful.” He warned me.

“Of what?” I asked getting skeptical.

“You will be a very powerful half-blood. Even more powerful than one of Zeus’ kids.” he said, staring me right in the eye. I could see that he was telling the truth. This unsettled me, but it also made me feel powerful, just knowing that I was.

I thought for a moment, “Chiron, would it be okay if I told Maria?”

“I would advise that you wait.” He told me. I wanted to tell her. She was like the big sister that I had never had. But I sighed, “Oh, okay.”

When I got outside, it was obvious that everyone knew something was wrong and that I was involved. They all looked at me like I was a monster that had somehow gotten through the camp’s boundary lines. Annabeth ran up to me. “Hey. How’re you doing?”

“Um… not too good. I mean, they were finally starting to get used to me. But now it’s worse, and they don’t even know who my father is yet.” I almost lost it right then, but I quickly composed myself. I hadn’t cried since I was a child, and I wasn’t about to start now.

. “Are you hungry?” She asked me, trying to change the subject after a few moments of an awkward silence.

“Not really. Could we sword fight?” I asked. Truth be told, I was a little hungry, but I would much rather just go to the sword arena.

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